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Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Nov 29, 2009)
46 comments – latest 4:
staci (Dec 2, 2009)
i've only seen herr's at walmart once..a few cases of them, then they were gone. idk about lays. herr's are bright blood red and make your mouth and fingers extremely red too..and are friggin delicious.
Bobstained (edited Dec 2, 2009)
We have lots of different varieties of tomato flavoured crisps, you could say we're spoilt for choice.These are my favourite
staci (Dec 2, 2009)
lol..SNAPS..and i love the alligator just snapping away. so clever.
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Flubbles (Feb 7, 2009)
7 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (edited Feb 10, 2009)
That would be my guess, too. Grossly good "."
Flubbles (Feb 10, 2009)
drawn in 6 min
I'll finish this off tomorrow, still feel the need to fiddle with it.Just wanted to set it to finished because todays the last day.
HiroDaZero (Feb 10, 2009)
O..... my god!
Flubbles (edited Dec 1, 2009)
Nobody even noticed the face.
drawn in 4 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
jekyll and Flubbles (Nov 26, 2009)
13 comments – latest 4:
KuteDymples (Dec 18, 2009)
This is very beautiful!
lynnandcharlie (Jan 9, 2010)
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 18, 2010)
or, it's somewhere out in the fields of Oregon, because we have beef out here too.but this is such beautiful beef, I wouldn't want to eat it! What a fantastic picture, wonderful.
Song (May 12, 2010)
It looks amazing, great detail.. Still looks a bit chilly on the picture, wich fits the time of spring when lambs are born.. Way to go!
drawn in 12 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Axil62 (Nov 10, 2009)
My bike is slowly but surely coming together. I built this thing, every single nut, bolt, screw, drop of paint. There is not one single piece of this bike that I haven't had to re-do, replace or fabricate. I am very proud of it so far. I want to add more brass pieces and change the handlebars. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Nov 28, 2009)
my sexy salt mill
9 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Nov 29, 2009)
I think it's just a tall salt reflection. btw aren't shadow and reflection two different things?
Flubbles (edited Nov 29, 2009)
Yea your right i dont know why i said that, a shadow is light being blocked by an object where as a reflection is light bouncing back off an objects surface.
Nekoampy (Nov 29, 2009)
Suntan seMANtic-handled your ass.... lame
Suntan (Nov 30, 2009)
Just a little fun banter between friends, Nekoampy...nothing more than that.
drawn in 11 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/The Post Board 
oldass art revamps
TRIP (Nov 28, 2009)
this oldass picture? Realized the color really -was- shitty, so it was redrawn; Also doing more concept work for Delter (and a few characters I have never drawn here) like so; will poast as I finish them.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Suntan (Nov 27, 2009)
30 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (edited Nov 30, 2009)
Yeah, that was the question which would give to much information for me.
Suntan (Nov 30, 2009)
HAHAHA..ok. YES, TMI!! lol...I guess you can tell I am pearl stud and gold hoop taste only cause I don't know what I am talking about..I was just trying to picture her with plugs going up each ear!! That's what they use to keep the holes stretched right?? I'm laughing reading this now, believe me, talking to her about butt plugs was the last thing on my mind. HAHA~ crazy people here. lol
enjoydotcom (Nov 30, 2009)
Time for bed for me, I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes...
Bobstained (edited Nov 30, 2009)
Are you sad because this is the last series amanda will be doing something for the weekend?
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Suntan (Nov 28, 2009)
well, it's suppose to be round..
14 comments – latest 4:
GreyGhost (Nov 29, 2009)
It looks like dotted swiss :) Well .. I like it :D
Suntan (Nov 30, 2009)
HAHA, oh gosh, where is the salt shaker headed lol..ball bag, french tickler..maybe i should go in and fix it. Thanks, everyone.
elly (Nov 30, 2009)
looks like it has an ice cube inside =)
Suntan (Dec 4, 2009)
yeah, I see now. one of these days I'll fix it. :)
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What you've learned, what you try to learn
anpi (Nov 27, 2009)
Hey just want to ask you what you've learned recently about painting or what you currently are attempting to learn. Just having those paintings without a story behind them makes it hard for me to get excited for them...and appreciate the afford. I feel like I sometimes lose track of my goals and just paint mindless stuff although I want to progress. I'm in a phase where I don't feel like being able to go crazy with what I can do, but rather focusing on learning a few new skills. Skills which...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Bobstained (Nov 28, 2009)
15 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Nov 29, 2009)
I used to have a salt shaker that looked just like this.....but my sister replaced it with a "moose" salt shaker....."lol"!
Bobstained (Nov 29, 2009)
drawn in 14 min
Finish it off later.
elly (Nov 29, 2009)
I see painterly =) Nice one.
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
great job
drawn in 2 hours 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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