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Public Boards/Beginner 
kiketsu (Jul 19, 2006)
ummm....used a mouse.

well, i was going to fix this up really pretty and all, but i ran out of room. oh well.

this is the first side view i've ever done on the comp. first side view done in a looooong time on paper or comp. so, yeah. sorry if it sucks.
3 comments – latest 4:
kiketsu (Jul 25, 2006)
drawn in 10 min
timer LIIIIIEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! O__O haha. anyways, yeah. i was gonna make her hair a natural color, but i know that drew <3s blue hair, so i made the hair blue. just for him <3
kiketsu (Jul 26, 2006)
drawn in 12 min
damn. serious convo coming up. gotta submit it now and go.
kiketsu (Jul 27, 2006)
drawn in 9 min
meh boyfriend called <3
FIREandSOUL (Jul 29, 2006)
ooo I really like it now that it's colored, I love the hair color... lmao, Blue for Drew?? Why do I find that SO cute... did he tell you to make it blue? (I'm assuming this is curly headed drew??? maybe??)
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pyrobarbie (Jul 28, 2006)
i had some fun with this one ^ ^
2 comments – latest 2:
FIREandSOUL (Jul 29, 2006)
this is really cute... but really familiar from somewhere... anyway it's very well done!
pyrobarbie (Jul 30, 2006)
thank u i think the lil me thing looks kinda like a powderpuff girl now that i look at it ^^
drawn in 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
broken-lock14 (Jul 28, 2006)
lolololol. I thought it was okay at first, but I'm sure I'll look at this later and be filled with shame. 8D;;; Ignore the time.

[I have so many things to work on, what am I doing? =^e__e^=;; ]
8 comments – latest 4:
broken-lock14 (Jul 28, 2006)
I had to stare at my own hand for like 15 minutes. XD;;; *cramp*

You guys are so nice~<:B I'm undeserving. *hugglesquish* Hyukhyuuuk~<3333
squee (edited Jul 28, 2006)
Poop? This isn't poop. Stop being so hard on yourself Guupi, you are amazing. I envy your talents!
FIREandSOUL (Jul 29, 2006)
wwhoooaaa, I love how modern and abstract this is. It's a very cool style and very well drawn, I love the eyes and the mouth too, adds sort of an anime feel to it
SanzoGirl (Jul 30, 2006)
Awww! He's so cute! x3
I love your style! <3
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
chickenmonster2001 (Jul 28, 2006)
Just messing around; timer lies. Haven't been drawing lately. (Oh noes)

It's almost time for me to begin highschool, (Yay freshmen) and my nervousness broke into doodles. How? Listening to Japanese techno.
5 comments – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 28, 2006)
I like this picture. Good job.
I like the coloring most of all.
Good luck in High School :D I'm starting middle school this year
pancakes_rock (Jul 28, 2006)
bish i love this so much it gets to comments X3
squee (Jul 28, 2006)
Freshman year isn't that bad. What you do is befriend people in all grade levels, all ethnicities (even if it's jut one), and all stereotypes.

Worked for me.
FIREandSOUL (Jul 29, 2006)
wwwoooow this is really pretty, I love the outfit and the hair
drawn in 7 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee (Jul 28, 2006)
"..Starry eyed surprise"
9 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Jul 28, 2006)
we dont want to know
how monkeys and lions have sex
squee (Jul 28, 2006)
Yes Tor it is the same song :3 Thanks for the finishing of it! xD I couldn't remember that part to save my life!
Tsukiko (Jul 28, 2006)
they are cute xD
FIREandSOUL (Jul 29, 2006)
omg they're so precious!! aww!!! I've never seen... snails... going at it....
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
xswirvex (Jul 20, 2006)
he's smiling and waving at you!
10 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Jul 20, 2006)
wow X3 the mouth is so cool and freaky
i love this drawing it rocks my socks ^^
diablo_fan (Jul 20, 2006)
ya what pancake said!
Gemmy619 (Jul 21, 2006)
The eyes freak me out just as much as the mouth, cool zombie drawing :)
suicidemoments666 (Jul 31, 2006)
This drawing is the best ever! I love it so much, it's creepy but so....I can't find the right word...anyways yeh I love it!
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Rukia (Jun 22, 2006)
Some demented look person. The eye shadow wasn't planned, but I accidently painted them on while I was doing the background in another layer.
1 comment – latest 2:
Rukia (Jul 19, 2006)
drawn in 45 min
What? I come back and Maiko's gone? FOR A MONTH!? IN CHINA!?? .......Oh well.
I haven't been oekaking for so long I need to reprogram my brain. I went to all the beginner and intermediete galleries! Some of you guys have really improved! Keep up the good work guys ^u^
FIREandSOUL (Jul 19, 2006)
ooo, the eyes are very creepy, I love it
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
pix (Jan 29, 2004)
MODERATORS... hmm... how can I say... I need more space AGAIN... sorry... it reached the limit of 800 K... you can delete the previous edits... It will get much better, I promise!
71 comments – latest 4:
theshadow-wolfKasumi (Jun 17, 2009)
wow that is one of the best drawling of a tiger i have ever seen
Wraith (Jan 23, 2012)
Where do these great artists go? Are they so Elite that they disappear into another realm? Get abducted by Aliens for their Eliteness?
dorothyblueeyes (Jan 25, 2012)
beautiful tiger! keep up the good work.
davincipoppalag (edited May 1, 2019)
This was done years ago.. Pix was great
drawn in 9 hours 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
OlFrozenTearslO (Jul 19, 2006)
Any tips on the hair?
5 comments – latest 4:
cookie913 (Jul 20, 2006)
i like it. it so cuuuuuuute and your not even done with it.
whitefox0 (Dec 3, 2006)
I really like this you did a very good job
he is so cute.!!
psychofox0 (edited Dec 3, 2006)
I like the eyes, you can tell that he's puzzled by the
way they are positioned. The hair? you seemed to
do a very good job on it, all I can say is that the
hair on the right isn't as dark as the rest of the
lines. The left side of his head seems a little high.
but what do I know, your really good by the way.
fleeting_memory (Dec 4, 2006)
omg this is adorable!
drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic