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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Doodlibop (Jul 7, 2003)
Sonin and Prowler are Team Uber! Blasting off at the speed of light!
7 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Oh, man! That's awsome!
raenboe (edited Jul 7, 2003)
That is, OMG, SOOOO cool! You rock!
Doodlibop (edited Jul 8, 2003)
I would show you all the reference picture, but the silly team Rocket link wouldn't work. Thanks for your comments!
Prowler (edited Jul 10, 2003)
I must, say, you are the coolest!! thank j00!!!!! plus what i said at SVT. ;)
drawn in 28 min with PaintBBS
rosalyn (Jul 8, 2003)
Me and alienated both worked on this picture! We love ice cream! *hands out sundays* :}
5 comments – latest 4:
rosalyn (edited Jul 8, 2003)
Yep! It's great to live with a person that also is a member of 2draw! *pats Alienated* ^^ *Gets punched* ...ow...
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 8, 2003)
well good work, you two. hahah, she is cute. both of her(s) :D
Doodlibop (edited Jul 9, 2003)
Wow. THe color scheme is absolutely beautiful.

burningarrow (edited Jul 9, 2003)
I like your drawings
drawn in 6 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Nanibunny (Jun 28, 2003)
..heh.. . .yeah one of those days when you dun know exactly what you're drawing ^.^ .. .i dont know, what comes to mind when you look at this? o.O
5 comments – latest 4:
donnajoe (edited Jun 29, 2003)
it looks sooo great!
Nanibunny (edited Jun 30, 2003)
yeah it is kinda gothic-y . . thanx ^_^
Doodlibop (edited Jun 30, 2003)
your artwork seems to get cooler and cooler, mi amiga. Kudos!
Nanibunny (edited Jul 8, 2003)
thanx doodlibop. . i like yours a lot too, its always awesome :D
drawn in 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Contest VOTE!, new version of Lascaux Sketch
marcello (edited Jul 1, 2003)
The contest is over, but you still need to vote! Due to the relatively small number of voters, I'm extending the voting deadline an extra day. If you're looking for the contest entries, check the previous news post. So vote for your favorite single image from all the submitted entries. The voting will end at 11 PM pacific time on July 2nd (2am east coast). In other news, a new version of Lascaux Sketch is out! Notable new features is a spiffy new ta...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Bippi (Jul 6, 2003)
This is my first drawing.
Bonny Ippichi
7 comments – latest 4:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Terrific for a first! Welcome! What's that in the air? Dust! Oh-no! *sneezes*
Doodlibop (edited Jul 7, 2003)
That is very nice. She has a very pretty Asian face. Why the blond hair?
Bippi (edited Jul 7, 2003)
because she's supposed to be me. and I have blonde hair.
Ari (edited Jul 8, 2003)
Me liiikes! 8) *stares* 'Tis nifty! Very good for your first!
Welcome to 2draw! *trips over red carpet* *more dust rises* *sneeze*
drawn in 23 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hotaru-chan (Jul 7, 2003)
what question do you think he was asked ?!?!? I'd like to see some answers, if you don't mind, because I haven't quite figured that out yet........

7 comments – latest 4:
Hotaru-chan (edited Jul 7, 2003)
the last time I checked your middle finger isn't right next too your thumb......

Hakkai (edited Jul 7, 2003)
You know whats sad?
I think that there are more people who want to agree with you Zappo when you say that.

Not to be rude, ofcourse. I'm just saying it because its probably true. n_n;
Doodlibop (edited Jul 8, 2003)
"You want fries with that?"
Zappo (edited Jul 8, 2003)
He he he I try to say what everyone is thinking.....
drawn in 31 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rosalyn (Jul 6, 2003)
happy birfday GEM and mkkmypet!!! I hopes there are many more years of life for you 2!!
6 comments – latest 4:
Doodlibop (edited Jul 7, 2003)
\/\/007!!11! Very nicely done! I sooo agree with Turtlebuster! Wow!
GEM (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Awesome...It's way better than mine
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jul 7, 2003)
I also drew a Shadow picture for them! Great minds think alike!
raenboe (edited Jul 7, 2003)
W00t! It's shadow! Great job!
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with OekakiBBS
Main Forums/ 
The Message Board is not an Off-Topic board...
marcello (edited Jun 21, 2003)
This message is a notice, or a warning, take it either way. This forum is a forum to talk about 2draw, drawing, oekaki, or anything related to how the site works. It is not an off-topic forum to talk about your life, how many people you've murdered, etc.. So unless it's *really* *really* important, don't spray it. Use the chat, or better yet, use AIM. Now, all that in context, if everyone will just leave 2draw because of this, there is a possibility of making a separate ...
Public Boards/Beginner 
taori (Jul 6, 2003)
Ain't she cute? My first original ripoff of Miyazaki's style! I stole his style, but not his character! OH YEAH! I think I'll try drawing like this for a while...I could learn a thing or two from ol' Miyazaki-sama...
4 comments – latest 4:
Doodlibop (edited Jul 7, 2003)
It is nice and everything, but why not form your own style? You'll be much more proud of your own work than mimicking somebody elses. Nicely done, btw.
taori (edited Jul 7, 2003)
I know, but I'm sick of my style. All my pictures look the same. I'm hoping I'll get better at anatomy, etc, by finding out how he does it.
Doodlibop (edited Jul 7, 2003)
If you want to get better at anatomy, you should try to draw the actual human frame. Then get creative!
And another reason why you might be sick of your style is because it's is mostly anime. Try something different like Disney or the style for Ren and Stimpy. Other ways to find a style would be to find creative juices from looking at your own face, or stuff around you, like blankets, cups, chairs, shadows, texture patterns or pet animals (the reason I say pet is becuase you see them everyday). Develop something of your own, work at it, and become a revolutionary!
taori (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Oooh, schmart. Thanks!
drawn in 29 min with OekakiBBS
Mari (Jul 7, 2003)
Um, Hi, I'm new here, and this was my first picture, yeah, bad line art, cruddy coloring, but I'm pressed for time cause I have to take my brothers swimming, so hello everyone, just wanted to make you aware of me and let you know I'm here!
3 comments – latest 3:
Doodlibop (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Well, hello, Mari! Welcome to 2draw! Nice picture, btw. ^-^
Zinc (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Very nice for a first drawing.. I hope you'll enjoy 2draw.
- $
Blue_Sun (edited Jul 7, 2003)
OOoh Very Cute. And Welcome !. =^_^=.
drawn in 34 min with OekakiBBS
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