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Public Boards/Beginner 
DieChan (Jan 22, 2005)
Uhh... profile practice. It's not my best... I'll do better next time...
2 comments – latest 2:
Punky (Jan 22, 2005)
you sure are good at making the shape of a face... its well drawn.
Maiko (Jan 22, 2005)
gahh this is so pretty XD I can never draw profile right :\ <3
drawn in 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Jan 20, 2005)
*cough* Behold it's cuteness...
3 comments – latest 3:
Robitar (Jan 20, 2005)
This is so cute it makes me want to puke...haha
Maiko (Jan 20, 2005)
OMGORSH :O it's adorable <3
solve (Jan 20, 2005)
i love this, so so so so so cute.
drawn in 5 min with OekakiBBS
DieChan (Jan 18, 2005)
Eh... Riku from KH? Tis crap. I need to stop using solid lines...
5 comments – latest 4:
Cacau (Jan 18, 2005)
This is... SO CUTE!!! *hugs* ... *glomps* ... *steals* Bwahahaa!!
silver_maiden (Jan 18, 2005)
ish riku!!!!!! aww!!
SanzoGirl (Jan 18, 2005)
Riku!!! Mine! *steals and runs away* You will nevvva find me!!!! >=D
DragonClaw (Jan 19, 2005)
Yay!!!!! Rikku Steals Too!!!!!!!!! (looks around) oh yeah hes a guy ................. akward.................. *puts back and slowly steps out of picture.....*
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Dec 16, 2004)
Um... since she drew me a Kirby pic, I figured I should draw her one as well. Yay! Huggle the plushie softness of teh Kirby! >:D
7 comments – latest 4:
Reich (edited Dec 16, 2004)
inatyrb (Dec 16, 2004)
o, tis very cute... make brytani happy!! ahh!! its about time i can have someone to cuddle with, unfortunatly i can't fall asleep in its arms... aww.... i wanna fall asleep in someones arms.... brytani sad again!!
Reich (Dec 16, 2004)
damn it brytani.....stop being sad!!!
inatyrb (Dec 17, 2004)
why? i'm very good at it! plus you know.. people don't help me either at being happy. Well except for diechan, she drew me something cute that you can't help but be happy with! Thanks again!
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Dec 15, 2004)
BG story behind this: Today we had a half day at school because we were taking exams. Well, I don't have a last period class, so i left earlier than everyone else... at 10:30 AM opposed to 12:00. So I had to wait outside on a cold brick wall, in a short-sleeved shirt in 30 degree weather until my mom came and picked me up, half frozen. It took hours to thaw out.
3 comments – latest 3:
ZOMBOID (Dec 15, 2004)
Yea' girl, I had to wear a sweater and a trench coat over that to keep myself from freezing. Oh. Nice nose-leak.
aznanime93 (Dec 15, 2004)
so ur one of the fluu states........
TaCO (Dec 15, 2004)
Me knows what you mean. I just cut off all my long hair, then It gets super cold outside. Now I have to wear a hat or I will DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

Great pic!!!!!!!!
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DieChan (Dec 14, 2004)
Bah. A brain fart gone wrong. The timer lies.. my friend called and we chatted for a few. Um... yeah.
11 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Dec 14, 2004)
Damn you monkey young.....
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 14, 2004)
No snow in mpls yet...yay! I really like this drawing, the little cloud of breath is a really nice touch, and I like teh shading on the face. ^_^
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 14, 2004)
wow this is so cute ^^
DragonClaw (Jan 11, 2005)
This pic is sweat though I do wish it would snow here........ by a show of hands how many people have ever sat outside on a winter night in nothing but a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and listening to a cd player??? I can think of one. cool pic jess keep it up
drawn in 1 hour 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
DieChan (Dec 12, 2004)
The game I've been waiting for since I played the first... Kingdom Hearts 2 comes out September 2005. I can't wait that long...

3 comments – latest 3:
Nightmare (Dec 12, 2004)
Yea...that is supposed to be really kick-arse. Nice expressions.
TaCO (Dec 12, 2004)
O.O Now I must get a new playstation2 so I can play It.
Great pic!!!!!!
monkeyboy (Dec 12, 2004)
im wachin it
god pic
drawn in 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Dec 12, 2004)
Uuh..... Yeah. I draw too much Kirby with or without oekaki... Plus... I've been wanting to redraw my version.

Lineart hates me.
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Dec 12, 2004)
I think it's pretty good. He's evilcute.. lol
TaCO (Dec 12, 2004)
O.O Cool Kirby!!!!! Did you make this kirby up???? Or is he a real kirby????
DieChan (Dec 12, 2004)
Well... I'd be lying if I said that I made him up. Demon Kirby is a Kirby that everyone draws at some point. But, yeah, this is my Demon Kirby design. As far as I know, there isn't an actual Demon Kirby... *scratches head* Yeah...
IkariIreuL (Dec 13, 2004)
If he is on space why he needs wings anyway ? `)
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Dec 11, 2004)
*cough* Yeah. For Kirby Week. Tis crap.
3 comments – latest 3:
StrawberryYamichan (edited Dec 11, 2004)
this is the a good way

this rocks XD's so cool
bumpinthenight (Dec 11, 2004)
great job :D looks more like morpheus, though... morpheus had no hair ^o^ hehehe XD laurence fishburn is awesome still XD great draw :D
DieChan (Dec 11, 2004)
Darn... now I'm inspired to do Morpheus, Trinity, and everyone else... Darn you bumpinthenight... *shakes fist*
drawn in 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Dec 11, 2004)
There have been a few Kirby pics around lately... they inspired me to contribute a pic to the most loyal puffball out there. I love Kirby.
7 comments – latest 4:
seaanemone (Dec 11, 2004)
i'll eat! >:P
falling-one (Dec 11, 2004)
Woot!!!! KDS likes these pic's (>^.^)>
brainspiller83 (Dec 11, 2004)
ahhhh *runs away* oh no, cute adorable things are going to smother me in, great picture!
emmamommalag (Dec 11, 2004)
Wow, even MORE kirbies.. it must truly be Kirby Week. Nice pic!
drawn in 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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