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Public Boards/Beginner 
Iroha (Dec 12, 2006)
"Could you leave? I'm finding your presence most repelling. Though I suppose this is what I get for being so damn sociable..."

Aris (c) me. If you steal him, I hope you like having your eyes gouged out with grapefruit spoons. Because that's what I will do to you. :D
6 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 12, 2006)
Grapefruit spoons are really good for digging in the dirt and making mud pies.... and those little plastic corn on the cob sticker things that no one ever used (or did they?) make a good weapon if the neighborhood bully is after you. This makes me wish I had a coloring book and a box of at least 64 crayolas.
woah_pockster (Dec 13, 2006)
hot dayum. :D hm. I haven't drawn guys on this site much. I should get to that :p
Angel_girl_808 (Dec 14, 2006)
Why are all anime/manga boys so cute? I've never had a grapefruit. or atleast I can't recall ever having one.
I love his hair looks so..........fuffy? He looks annoyed,hmmmmmm, *pokes his shoulder* hehe *poke*poke*poke*
Maiko (Dec 16, 2006)
Squall! :O
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DarkCloak (Dec 12, 2006)
"Ahhh, so you're the great DarkCloak ... Nice pants."

There are some parts of World of Warcraft that I absolutely hate!
12 comments – latest 4:
IkariIreuL (Dec 15, 2006)
hmm I think WOW sucks aside from that ... I mean when more time you play better you stay ... in korea 'they' were hiring bums to spend the day playing and collecting items to then sell to others players. I prefer a more balanced and strategic game.
darthfurby (Dec 15, 2006)
Visual-Kei (edited Jan 31, 2007)
Horde ftw!!
I love the picture though :B
woah_pockster (Mar 11, 2007)
HAH ikari, those are called farmers :D

my mage is 55! yaaaay and I'm making a lot of new characters cause of the expansion x_x
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DarkCloak (Dec 11, 2006)
Marines to the deck! Marines to the deck! Prepare to repel boarders off the starboard!
12 comments – latest 4:
zep (edited Dec 12, 2006)
you are the master... :)

hey man, why is that viking without a cord in that bow? or why the bow of that viking doesn´t have a cord? (ng?)
DarkCloak (Dec 12, 2006)
It's an enchanted bow. Elves are like that, always showing off their magical weapons. :P
solve (Dec 12, 2006)
Ahoy! What a complex scene. You really have an eye for detail. I like the one wielding double axes. Hes my pick of the litter.
TaCO (Dec 18, 2006)

Vikings: Let us fill the halls of Valhalla in multiples of nines!!!!!!!!

Marines: What????

(Many Marines die)

Marines: Ok Ok you can fill the halls of Valhalla, just let use go!!!!!!

Vikings: If we let you go how will we fill the halls????

Marines: You could send out invitations.

drawn in 3 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 38: Master Study - 2 week contest
Kloxboy (edited Dec 10, 2006)
Contest Week 38: Master Study - 2 week contest <<***Showcase Announcement below!***>> Your goal these next 2 weeks is to reproduce a painting by one of history's master painters. I suggest you pick your painter from an art history book or art history website. If you're not sure if the painter you picked falls under "master painter", please memo me and I'll determine if he or she is acceptable (keeping in mind, I'm not looking to debate over the matter). All the movements are acceptabl...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
patienceisoverrated (Dec 9, 2006)
and dust and hate

i'll make this pretty tomorrow, but i wanted to put it down while it was in my head.
12 comments – latest 4:
patienceisoverrated (Dec 10, 2006)
drawn in 30 min
i decided you were right, hide, so i took a picture of myself and i'm pretty sure this is how it goes.
hideyourface (Dec 10, 2006)
Yeah that looks a lot better. I always had trouble with wide open mouths.
Dr.Snoopy (Dec 11, 2006)
I really like how the lineart and painterly look come together. Keep it up!
Sweetcell (Dec 11, 2006)
Looks like a smoker on a bad day. Love how you color, and your bold lines. It inspires me.
drawn in 7 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
shokkie (Dec 9, 2006)
trying out an unfamiliar applet.
12 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Dec 11, 2006)
I'm going to love your art, welcome to 2draw.
lori (Dec 11, 2006)
really pretty, especially for just a practice.... I'll keep an eye on ya
concannon (Dec 14, 2006)
Love it. :] Nice lips, particularly.
Edward (Dec 15, 2006)
I love it. Wonderful face and color
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Moosh (Dec 8, 2006)
14 comments – latest 4:
safescene (Dec 9, 2006)
Yeah baby. Nice touch of shine on the noggin there, and how could I not say something about those eyebrows. Mad cool.
emmamommalag (Dec 9, 2006)
This is great!
HunterKiller_ (Dec 9, 2006)
Awesome caricature!
darthfurby (Dec 15, 2006)
I can't stand Jack but this drawing rocks!
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 4, 2006)
Modest frame houses
Spaced neatly on little blocks
Castles to the proud men who struggled to buy them
The hum of distant mowers, the faint aroma of freshly cut grass
Not aware of registering those senses… the lull of childhood
The taste of koolaid, the tingling excitement of seeing the boy next door
The decadent rush of an innocent kiss
Musical laughter, glowing faces… bright and untarnished by time
Will you be my best friend? Forever?
The rat-tat-tat of a playing card in a bicycle spoke
I’ll race you… and if I win, I’ll stop and wait for you
Sun on my face
Un-harnessed energy, wind in my hair
Feet not touching the pedals
Downhill is a good thing, and there is no end
Hand in hand through a carpet of pine needles
Primitive forts built with small hands
Secrets of childhood sweethearts
Pacts sealed in blood
Will you be my best friend, forever?
The far-away muted sound of mothers calling
Into the twilight
Screen doors banging
The crackling sound of chicken frying
Chrome adorned formica tables and vinyl chairs
Warm kitchens, black and white televisions with rabbit ears
When Daddys always came home
Please, oh please, may my friend spend the night?
Bubble baths, pink bathroom tiles
Cool sheets that smell like sunshine
Attic fans singing a lullabye
Yellow chiffon curtains blowing in the moonlight
Whispers and giggles from room to room by siblings
They told us… “not another peep ”
So I whispered “Now I lay me down to sleep….”
And I did, with no sins to weigh my conscience down
Will you be my best friend, forever?

13 comments – latest 4:
Pseudonymous (Dec 7, 2006)
Oh, Cindy. I missed this. This. Your work, your thoughts. I'm glad I'm back and *repeats what Dan said*.
HunterKiller_ (Dec 8, 2006)
I never had one those things. I always wanted one when i saw them on T.V shows.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 8, 2006)
You can play with mine. :)
Pseudonymous (Dec 9, 2006)
Be careful when you say that to a guy.
drawn in 9 hours 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Great_white (Dec 7, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 7, 2006)
Great_white (Dec 7, 2006)
Thanks ;)
Shortiebop (Dec 7, 2006)
keep it up :)
Great_white (Dec 7, 2006)
Will do ;)
drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Gemmy619 (Dec 1, 2006)
A portrait of Rembrandt's father.
12 comments – latest 4:
Gemmy619 (Dec 7, 2006)
drawn in 2 min
Had to change his right eye again he looked like he was looking off to the side grr hopefully it looks right now
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 7, 2006)
This is quite good. The flesh tones and texture are perfect, and the warm glow in the background adds mood and depth.
djramz99 (Dec 7, 2006)
I think you nailed it! Good work!
Miss_DJ (Dec 8, 2006)
absolutely masterful!
drawn in 4 hours 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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