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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||||||
Think Hes a bad influence? Think again! hahahahahahahahahahaha! This is a collab with Dainamo and I ...turned out good..
– latest 4:Dynamo: I'm a bad influence? Sophilia: Sure it isn't me? |
Alrighty... so we now edit the image like a crazy person.
– latest 4::3 Hey, only thing that matters to me is being able to draw with a friend. The Dynamo and Khyle pic was nudged lightly aside in favor for the Cecil and Cain pic. Mist dragon! Sketch stage. Cecil and Cain/Kain in the mist cave thingie...
FF IV art~ omg
davincipoppalag (Mar 4, 2004)
Nice Mist dragon.. you pulled that off well.. I like the figures in the foreground too.. very effective compostion here..
Pkingsora (Mar 4, 2004)
you two are awesome..i love seein yer works...great job here..wow...
SaheraNights (Mar 14, 2004)
I just...like it! its awesome!! I got to that part in the game |
Another collab between Dianamo and I xD! This time, I got to start it. Change it in any way you wish, D x3
– latest 4:
Deformed (Mar 2, 2004)
Funny PIc you guys!! I LOVE the hair and lighting!!
Alinnia (Mar 2, 2004)
Thanks :3 Yeah. We worked pretty hard on the perspective and proportions and stuff... We were having a... 'funny drawing day' that day XD
dixielandcutie (Mar 4, 2004)
i love this whole series,...or whatever you wanna call it. too cute! |
More RP-inspired stuffies. This time I decided to draw Dynamo :3 Hadta do the mouth over like, fifty billion times... I still don't think it's right... but I guess that's what you get for oekaking on like... 2 hours sleep. Dainamo will add something real spectacular. Just watch... Rating pending.
– latest 4:
Dainamo (Feb 1, 2004)
*LAUGHS*Remember? He is a coward
Toan (Feb 1, 2004)
o.o ooooh yeah....I need to play more rockman x. >.>;; er um Megaman X. >.< I know they are the same but....damn american names. Ah well. o.o Love the game though.
Alinnia (Feb 1, 2004)
... He probably owes the robot money XD *badum-ching* |
Collab between Dainamo and I. So far, it's just my character, Khyle. D will add cool stuffs soon. Current idea based on ... current RP. >o.o< How bout that.
– latest 4:Sometimes he just doesn't like being considered less than human o.o
Pkingsora (Feb 1, 2004)
XD againg thisis very cool hehe. ^^ great job you two!
Alinnia (Feb 1, 2004)
There's a reason why I love to collab with you, D... :3 It just always turns out /so/ /good/ XD .. Your half roxx0rs my soxx0rs x3
SaheraNights (Mar 14, 2004)
Dynamo is also so hot! ^^ great job on your dude Alinnia! I like it alot! |
Decided to do a collab with Dynamo..picture of Sora hanging out with Dynamo after school..
– latest 4:
SaheraNights (Mar 2, 2004)
I love it! I think guys who smoke are sexy...heheh ..Dont ask.. ^.^;
Pkingsora (Mar 3, 2004)
LOL thanx alot im glad you like it..i need to work on my background though
SaheraNights (Mar 9, 2004)
OMG i keep coming back to this picture!!! ahhhhh!
Dainamo (Mar 15, 2004)
lol @ Saheraglad ya like it that much |
A little collab I started off with Pkingsora...
– latest 4:He has yet to add in his own doodle
Toan (Feb 1, 2004)
^-^. Yer Welcome D.
dixielandcutie (Feb 22, 2004)
lol, love the facial expressions
SaheraNights (Mar 2, 2004)
Pkingsora (Mar 3, 2004)
LOL wow..hehe thanx alot..this was one of the 1st collabs i did really ^^; |
So off in random RP land, Dynamo's got some heavy scarring despite the fact he's not human. Decided to rate it a bit higher just in case *coward*
– latest 4:Hopefully Alinnia can think of something that might've caused 'em Alrighty... It's no fun when I look at an image I've done in the past and realize... ya know.. it'd look a little better if I went back and added this, this, and that...
In which case I added some minor detailing (hah yah right) to the hair, and gave a few more highlights here and there.
dixielandcutie (Feb 22, 2004)
wow. very nice work!
SaheraNights (Mar 2, 2004)
OOH...Nice job..ouch that looks like it herts like hell...^.^ man no matter what he has his shades on all the time! WOOT GO HOTTIE! |
– latest 4: Ummmm... It's not DONE done.. >o.o< This school mouse is pissing me off >e.e< It needs a dynamic, too. I'll... work it in when I get home. >-.o<
Dainamo (Feb 4, 2004)
.... *eyes the scenery**eyes the colors of the nox* You'd think Dynamo would have a hard time pouncing things himself.
Alinnia (Feb 5, 2004)
Taunianox: >e.e< . . . o 0 (Like I'm gunna take hunting advice from YOU, Mr LiteBrite...you couldn't sneak up to the broad side of a barn...)
SaheraNights (Mar 10, 2004)
Wow...This has to be one of your best...i love it!..wish i could draw like the lionking -starts to fill with envy- |
Switching off and on with Alinnia..
– latest 4:Your turn :3 You can do whatever you want with the pic.. XD |
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No.. I'm pretty sure the bad influence is Dynamo... he is quite the trouble maker. XD Great job on Sophilia.
great job at Dynamo D..Hes hot as always..>.O