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Public Boards/Beginner 
Dmongah (Mar 9, 2003)
It's a picture of my favorite emo child in about 5 years. Still as emo as always.
5 comments – latest 4:
Dmongah (edited Mar 9, 2003)
Oh. wow. I just figured out that I could have done it 200 times easier if I used layers.
marcello (edited Mar 9, 2003)
On paintbbs, masks are better than layers for coloring, because it works on a single layer.
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 10, 2003)
I like how you did that. =)
Knockoff (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Yea This is cool.
drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
Blink (Mar 8, 2003)
You See The Ring
10 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 10, 2003)
Welp.. I don't know what everyone's talking about on this whole 'Philosophy' basis thing--but personally, I thought this picture was developed from the movie, "The Ring." Which I saw about.. 2 days ago. Trust me, I couldn't go to sleep. Nice picture. =)
Fin_beast (edited Mar 10, 2003)
yea lol! Do none of you know why Blink drew this? ";
jord (edited Mar 10, 2003)
now th?ts sarcastic
Kazukie (edited Mar 10, 2003)
I saw the movie 4 times in the theater... Closed my eyes for the same parts every time.. ^^;; I'm so weak! I'm going to rent it and watch the whole thing though! Maybe I'll have a faulty tape and get a phone call after I watch it.. XP
drawn in 12 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
shiro (Mar 8, 2003)
... Take too many time for colorize ... X)

G voulu refaire la photo :))
Gros Bizous
2 comments – latest 2:
Kazukie (edited Mar 9, 2003)
Cute! Such lovely line art! =3
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 10, 2003)
OMG! Good job! Shiro, you're so awesome! *Rolls around in envy.* You have such a great personal style. >.< I can't even focus on one style for myself. =(
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with OekakiBBS
Copyrights (Mar 5, 2003)
100% Water Color usage.
7 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 7, 2003)
I say he's sexy.. o.o (And if that's you, I'm going to lecture you >=O)
Copyrights (edited Mar 7, 2003)
Sherilynn... o_o... Get on AIM and STAY ON IT. I NEEDA' SPEAKA' TO YOU. >:O
P.S. That isn't me... he has blue eyes. I'm green. ;]
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 8, 2003)
I knew that. ^_~
Azelrellon (edited Mar 8, 2003)
Oh, I didn't know that. ?_?
I meant, WHO and HOW did he get beaten up? ^__^; I must work on wordings....
drawn in 7 hours 40 min with PaintBBS
Copyrights (Mar 1, 2003)
6 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited Mar 2, 2003)
I suppose they think the same about you, and intend to bomb you this night. Have a nice life.
Copyrights (edited Mar 3, 2003)
...Ohh, I don't fear. :: Sigh. :: =\
ChinkyFlip (edited Mar 4, 2003)
furyofroy (edited Mar 7, 2003)
I LOVE KMFDM!!! THEY SO COOOL!!!i love the song meglomaniac and cool anarchy thingy and shtuff. That's really unique how you did this picture....very nice!
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with PaintBBS
rydicanubis (Mar 4, 2003)
mm, skinnnnn...... (((drool)))
i needed form practice so... this ensued...
5 comments – latest 4:
roguefrequency (edited Mar 5, 2003)
I usually hate looking girl-drawn muscular guys because they look rediculous, but this one looks very real. Only thing I would say is that his right arm (the raised one), the shoulder muscle should overlap the bicep. But thats just a small detail. Good job!
Azelrellon (edited Mar 5, 2003)
YOU need form practice?
I need form practice more. :P
Actually, I'd like to have this amount of skills and never practice it again. Let alone the fact that I cannot draw anatomically correct much, I'd like to say that, for one, the shading is very nice, and for another, the subject is a good idea.
^_^ Just needs some lighting effects and it may be considered pseudo-realism. ^-^
Cienna (edited Mar 6, 2003)
OOOOhhhhhhhh it's sooooo perty in a really fit muscular way....
mmmmmmmm........*drools* oooohhh he's yummy! ^___^
Knockoff (edited Mar 7, 2003)
This is cool. I like the skechy-ness of it.
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (Jan 19, 2003)
I was 'trying to draw Daisuke Niwa from D.N.Angel ... But it didn't turn out so well--I made him all grly. -_- That's okay though! Just pretend it's a guy. ...o.o...

Third Edit --/> I figure.. Hey, maybe it's just his hair! So I erased a few of the longer portions of his hair and ended up with this! .. He's a guy, right? X_X
6 comments – latest 4:
Day-chan (edited Jan 19, 2003)
KYAAAAH!! DAISUKI! Lmfao! I could never draw his hair! Its too hard! I love the manga, its so well thought out and drawn! And With/ Wizu is so cute! X3
Kazukie (edited Jan 19, 2003)
Wow ***SO*** cute!!! I didn't know you were coloring it at the time, gomen nasi! ^.^
Minitsaru (edited Jan 20, 2003)
Looks nice :) i like the way u did the eyes ;)... why? cuz even with a pencil and paper the eyes i drew turn out bad and im. easily amused by eyes.... dont ask why....

lol i just asked why.... wow i feel like i just failed a couple grades and went back to elementry school... :P
mauvemalady (edited Mar 6, 2003)
Lovely hair--and I like the collar, too.
drawn in 47 min with PaintBBS
Sango (Jan 15, 2003)
Hehe, this is my 1st Oekaki. I know its not that good but C&C Please. Its Me, Well I must be going, I'm gonna be late 4 class again -__-;
5 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Jan 16, 2003)
Yea that looks good. Well Welcome to 2draw.
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 16, 2003)
If it's you.. Then how come it's got big letters that say, "SANGO" below it? Like that chick from Inu Yasha..? LOL. Because that's who I immediately thought of--I was like, "OMG! SOMEONE DREW SANGO!" It's really good! Draw Kagome next! :D! If you get the time.. Or like, a back-to-back of Kagome and Kikyou. Lol
Sango (edited Jan 18, 2003)
yeah i get that a lot... Yes my real Name is Sango, & I do know that Sango is a person in InuYasha (shes my fav cuz she has my name ^_~) & the real scary thing is that SHE LOOK LIKE ME TOO!! arggg.. all the time in skool people always say "Hey Sango! Hows Miroku?! XD" & the thing is too, I'M SOO IN LOVE WITH MIROKU!!!! lol (don't make fun of me) & The reason i wrote "Sango" was cuz thats my name XP yes i will draw u Kagome or Kikyo & Kagome back 2 back ^_~
mauvemalady (edited Mar 6, 2003)
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (Jan 17, 2003)
Two characters from my manga, "Kenoki." Rei and Ryuken.
4 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Jan 18, 2003)
My god slow down @.@ You're drawings are nice and everything but you're spitting them out a little too fast. You should deffinitly fix up your lines in shading and outlining, they're very scratchy and messy. The background's nice but you should spend a little more time on it maybe? You've got a nice style and the expressions on their faces are great though.
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 19, 2003)
In my opinion, they're not really "scratchy and messy" I like your style and alot of your drawings, and maybe other people won't like them but what really matters is that "you" like it.... wow... kinda got too deep there...umm.. sorry ^^ but the drawings nice and so is your style, so keep up the good work... speaking of manga, would your manga happen to be on a website like one of those webcomics???
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 19, 2003)
Unfortunately, no.. But I 'do' have a few of the strips uploaded to somewhere. :) And thanks so much for the comment. :D!
mauvemalady (edited Mar 6, 2003)
Yah...there's something to be said for 'scratchiness'. It's just another way of going about things and, for me anyway, it's a nice change from an endless parade of neat, orderly lines with everything in its place.
drawn in 34 min with PaintBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
ChinkyFlip (Feb 1, 2003)
*Sigh.* My quest is going unfinished...
5 comments – latest 4:
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 7, 2003)
Aww... Thanks, Mini! I always love your comments. :D! You're sweet. :P
bakako (edited Feb 14, 2003)
I like this a lot. Do you have a tablet and pen to draw with?
Nanibunny (edited Feb 15, 2003)
very pretty ^.^ . . . i like it a lot
mauvemalady (edited Mar 6, 2003)
Yes this is lovely! How could you speak ill of it?
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
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