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Public Boards/Beginner 
IamaCunt (Sep 28, 2005)
I like it...hope this isn't deleted :)))
18 comments – latest 4:
IamaCunt (Sep 30, 2005)
drawn in 11 min
almost FIN yay!
Axil62 (Oct 10, 2005)
I like the overall shittyness of everything you've done here.
cartoon_worldz (Oct 10, 2005)
i love it mon its the greatest keep drawing!
IamaCunt (Oct 10, 2005)
Thanks cartoon and Axil, I'll stay shitty, and keep drawing mon :)
I am a cunt
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Caddris (Oct 10, 2005)
Yeah. . . bears.
18 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Oct 23, 2005)
Great Pic!!!
You could of drew people wearing bear arms as gloves.
Ty854 (Oct 23, 2005)
or you could have drawn bears holding guns!
TaCO (Oct 23, 2005)
You make a good point.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 23, 2005)
This made me laugh. Bears don't taste good, so I don't see any legitimate reason to shoot them, anyway. Somebody SHOULD give them guns.
drawn in 2 hours 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
featherstone (Oct 6, 2005)
21 comments – latest 4:
featherstone (Oct 10, 2005)
You had mentioned an example about it taking more brain power to design a new car... and there were a few other comments too that I don't have the time to look up right now...
I can draw an original pic anytime... that is no big deal to me... it was realism that I wanted to nab... For me personally, that is way more challenging and satisfying.
Zack (Oct 10, 2005)
You won't find a quote where I said photo copying was easy because I didn't say it.
featherstone (Oct 10, 2005)
aye aye cap'n
woah_pockster (Oct 16, 2005)
awesome jeorb <3 I love the coloring in the face <3
drawn in 3 hours 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Alex-Cooper (Oct 7, 2005)
News Flash!
61 comments – latest 4:
Alex-Cooper (Oct 10, 2005)
Perfect. Thank you method3. I think that's an excellent closing statement for this debate.
marcello (Oct 10, 2005)
love the link.
Caddris (Oct 11, 2005)
I'm sorry. That was a generalized statement; not directed all at you.
Isn't that how all this got started in the first place?
ambermac (Oct 20, 2005)
nice rant. i agree. copying is a fine exercise as long as you credit the original photo. using your own voice is always a greater risk--which is why it's much more fun on all sides. in the fine art world, artists who do this sort of thing always add an indicator in the title. they'll say, "after ____insert artist's name". what gets me are those "pros" in galleries who blatantly lift another artist's style and call it their own.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
2draw wishlist...
marcello (Nov 10, 2004)
Ok, here's where you can post things/features/etc. you'd like to see on 2draw in the future. If there's something that bugs you, or something you'd like to be able to do that 2draw cannot currently do, this is the place to mention it. And please, read posts so suggestions don't get made twice.
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Showcase Question?
kristine (Oct 3, 2005)
How do you submit an entry to be in showcase (i dont want to just wandering) or does someone else have to submit it for you?
Useless Wows
SneakyWalter (edited Sep 28, 2005)
There are a bit too much (to me, anyway) of comments that say "wow" and "awesome" and the occasional "glomps". While my point is NOT the "rules about comments" (DON'T try to argue with me) the praise is meaningless now. any picture thats any good or if its anime gets all these comments all the time. now praise seems to mean practically nothing. What's your opinion?
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Rudeezy (Oct 4, 2005)
Comic to celebrate the season.
6 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Oct 4, 2005)
lol, really cute XD
davincipoppalag (Oct 4, 2005)
Lol..I would love to have a trick or treater dressed as a puffy cheeto heheeh
Pakasutemanshikuka (Oct 4, 2005)
ahahahaha X'D very cute =33
kayla (Oct 5, 2005)
I love the cheeto boy's expression. XDDD
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
mooseflower (May 4, 2004)
I think I am on a grayscale binge or something...
57 comments – latest 4:
enirroc (Nov 1, 2008)
This is fantastic! So realistic, amazing work.
Alter.Native (Feb 2, 2010)
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
davincipoppalag (Mar 21, 2020)
wonderful isnt it
drawn in 4 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Alex-Cooper (Sep 30, 2005)
Give me the best insult you've got. Do it. Seriously.
33 comments – latest 4:
R. (Oct 4, 2005)
vwls sck!
Goku (Oct 8, 2005)
take your head and squishit...pop hahahaha hahahaha
ambermac (Oct 24, 2005)
my pet monkey is a more better artist than you!
Renuar (Oct 27, 2005)
good concept, well executed.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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