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Public Boards/Intermediate 
taori (May 26, 2006)
"Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an english toffee but they're gone too fast and the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits of hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts. If you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers."

- Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man

edit- seriously, nobody ever watched the X-Files?
5 comments – latest 4:
Gemmy619 (May 26, 2006)
Cool draw, i like it :)
Nightmare (May 26, 2006)
So you end up with nothing but broken bits of hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts.

Texas State penitentiary much?
Sweetcell (May 27, 2006)
Great likeness, he was a frightening man, what i remember of him.

Nightmare: LMAO.
Artiste (Jun 19, 2006)
I think you have some good beginnings here. I am responding here to your request for comments on your last picture.
My first reaction to your style is the use of both line and "paint" I think you should tone back your lines a little... and be more tentative as to where you use them. Line that folows the form is most effective, and should not stand out more than the content of the picture (if you know what I mean). In otherwords... youre letting the line speak too much, and your use of it is not making sense. For example, the scribbly line on the palm of the hand.

This style of art can be very effective, but you need to refine it just a bit.... think about where you are placing your lines and why. You have an excellent sense of form. Use the line to bring that out! You asked for a comment and got an earful! :)
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Jun 8, 2006)
Little pebble upon the sand
Now you're lying here in my hand,
How many years have you been here?
Little human upon the sand
From where I'm lying here in your hand,
You to me are but a passing breeze.
The sun will always shine where you stand
Depending in which land You may find yourself.
Now you have my blessing, go your way.
Happiness runs in a circular motion
Thought is like a little boat upon the sea.
Everybody is a part of everything anyway,
You can have everything if you let yourself be.
13 comments – latest 4:
xwindflyer (Jun 9, 2006)
Words can not express how much i like this painting. Good job!
Miss_DJ (Jun 9, 2006)
a wonderful portrait, and I'm with DBA...the verse is so full of matches the draw perfectly.
Artiste (Jun 10, 2006)
She is a beautiful girl. The skin tones on the light side have that transluscent feel that you get from oil... very rich.
I think your monitor must be set much darker than mine... the side in shadow looks on my monitor to be unfinished in a way that suggests you see it much darker.
Anna (Jun 19, 2006)
I've come back to look at this one several times. Just beautiful! I love the warm colors!
drawn in 2 hours 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Artiste (Jan 3, 2006)
22 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Jan 7, 2006)
Amazing job! I love everything about it.
terracotta (Jan 19, 2006)
No one could scream like Janis could scream. I just read your comment about "Piece of my heart" which is funny, because that's exactly the song I thought of when I looked at it! Wonderful painting, Artiste.
FrOoT_cUp (Jun 16, 2006)
i like her music. anything 80s!
Axil62 (Jun 16, 2006)
drawn in 5 hours 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jun 6, 2006)
I felt like painting mailboxes for some reason right after I watched Forrest Gump for the .... I don't know how many times.
13 comments – latest 4:
JK-Arts (Jun 8, 2006)
Omlets are good i like eggs and rice eggs and suasage eggs with bread, sunnyside up eggs upside down egges, eggs with grits, egg sandwiches, eggs and shrimp.......
Axil society sux ass i fucking hate working for the man day by day and for nothing it seem all i ver habve is enough to eat a small meal and barel pay my bills while some rich ass w hole who controls, starts and can end my work life sits backs or takes week long vacations many times a year collecting checks from money wich i killed my self to make for the damn company.
emmamommalag (edited Jun 8, 2006)
If there were no rich assholes, who would pay your wages, JK? If you don't like making him rich, start your own company and become a rich asshole, yourself. You like eggs.. how about a restaurant, specializing in egg dishes?
And btw, I like this picture. It's one of your best, Dan.
Artiste (edited Jun 20, 2006)

I think we all suffer from an inate need for something more that is never fulfilled.
Miss_DJ (Jun 16, 2006)
hey...I have an idea! you are a SUPERLATIVE ARTIST...why don't you sell your art and eventually open your own fricken gallery?? many of the other incredible artists here could pay you to show their art too. Then you can go put your feet in some white sand and feel more serene. Just a would get you off the 'treadmill'...
drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Painting Software?
Artiste (May 25, 2006)
Does anyone know of some software that I could buy for Commercial print purposes that uses a similar interface as Lascaux?? Im getting a bunch of requests for my digital illustration now over traditional, and I have no idea where to start to in practical terms.
Line art
nozomii (May 16, 2006)
This is probably the biggest difficulty i find when drawing, how to make a clean line art. I noticed some of you do an amazing job with it, so i was wondering, is there a special to do it? does any one have a few tips to give me? i'd really appreciate it. Ty!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Deformed (May 11, 2006)
My first real attempt at realism.. It's supposed to be Bruce Dickinson in a leather jacket.. I still have a long way to go, but I think i'm doing ok. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
3 comments – latest 4:
Deformed (May 11, 2006)
drawn in 24 min
Damn......I suck....
Artiste (May 15, 2006)
This is a pretty good start. It is good that you are working from dark to light.

The one major tip that I can give you is that you should paint much larger. It's extremely difficult to create realism on such a small scale. The head should be taking up most, if not all of the canvas size. Working with tiny little brush strokes makes it much too hard to see. Look at some of the good realism paintings on this website. You will see that the subject matter is very simple, and the artists makes full use of the canvas size.
Deformed (May 16, 2006)
Thanks alot, Artiste... I plan to make a bigger one more close up now.....
TaCO (edited May 19, 2006)
Looks good

Try breaking the picture down to it's basic shapes,
And then draw it with shapes until you think everthing is in the right place.
Now you can start addind detail and value.

1. Block it in
2. work the whole pic at once, don't work on one area more than the rest.
3. detail should be put after blocking in and base values are complete.

drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (May 5, 2006)
red and black chairs in a hall. photo ref.
12 comments – latest 4:
Artiste (May 5, 2006)
What an eye you have. A simple picture full of simple shapes that are oh so tasty to the artistic eye. I really like your use of washes, and watercolor style.
Deino (May 5, 2006)
The subject is simple and interesting, totally unespected too!
You are truly admirable Axil.
HunterKiller_ (May 10, 2006)
Interesting piece.
fleeting_memory (May 19, 2006)
makes me think of Les Miserables (song Empty Chairs at Empty Tables)
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Deino (Feb 24, 2006)
Clearly Unfinished >_> <_<

Hello 2draw! Long time no see o.o... School is keeping me very busy, but I'll try to draw more often :3
For this drawing, I used a photo I found on internet long ago...
15 comments – latest 4:
kristine (Mar 8, 2006)
what the crap...who deleted my post?!
Zack (Mar 9, 2006)
A glance through your point history showed me that no moderator has touched anything you submitted since I deleted the pictures you requested. Probably just your average internet hiccup.
kristine (Mar 9, 2006)
Oops. :-)
Roytje (May 14, 2006)
I hope you'll finish this soon. It's beautiful.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
April94 (Apr 5, 2006)
i just got a little bit bored so i drew a flower, but i don't really know why.
4 comments – latest 4:
April94 (edited Apr 10, 2006)
so what if the only reason why i drew a flower was because you told me to.
April94 (Apr 10, 2006)
drawn in 2 min
i revised it....just a little bit, but nobody will probably notice.......since nobody has really commented on this stupid picture!!!
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (May 6, 2006)
You two are so weird.... I don't like flowers....but like the green backround.
Artiste (May 6, 2006)
I like flowers, and I like this flower very much! I think the colors you picked are beautiful!
drawn in 53 min with PaintBBS
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