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xswirvex and IkariIreuL (Oct 15, 2006)
collab w/IkariIreuL
6 comments – latest 4:
IkariIreuL (Oct 17, 2006)
drawn in 44 min
My part I consider done :]
That was fun !
[ I didn´t stay sit and drawing all that time ! ]
pancakes_rock (Oct 18, 2006)
aww it came out cute ^^
Dr.Snoopy (Oct 19, 2006)
haha...the smile ^^
beth92093 (Oct 21, 2006)
this is so cute great job!!!!!! i comment this a seconed time!!!!
drawn in 4 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
xiau and Visual-Kei (Sep 30, 2006)
He asked for a sketch of his character. I'm probably way off xD; He gave me a description and said he wanted to see what I thought he would look like.

Now, I only have two more collabs to go. Yay :D

Do-do-do~ Can't wait to see what he does with this~
13 comments – latest 4:
Visual-Kei (edited Oct 17, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours 19 min
Couldnt change the clothes.....i kinda accidently deleted the scetch layer :/
Working on a backround, tell me what needs changing....because it looks odd for some reason...
Edit: the trees are a distraction....need more ravens xD
Visual-Kei (edited Oct 17, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 28 min
its done....i guess xD
The version before this looked good, but for some reason i didnt like it. So you can take either version as the finished copy.
squee (Oct 17, 2006)
Version 5 Was the best.
NOVEMBER93 (Oct 19, 2006)
I agree with squee, but I still like this :D
drawn in 7 hours 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Unblessed_Love and ~Fenix~ (Oct 14, 2006)
Hellu~ Me and Feni~ ish gonna do a collab, It incluse a Hao, Yoh, and our RP Charaters (trendy ;D) Kumiko (My RP charater) and Naku (Fenix's RP charrie) Im drawing Hao and Naku while she draws Yoh and Kumi, It took so long because i was dtumped for poses ee; but i eventually got one ;D Once I finish the sketch for my half i'll hand it over to her then lineart, then color eachothers i believe, may change and may be left unfinished for about a week...since Fenix can only come on on friday and the weekend, and for 3 hours a day D: So yeah...Anyways Enjoy my crappy hao im working on his eyes! xD God those are so annoying...
2 comments – latest 4:
~Fenix~ (Oct 15, 2006)
drawn in 49 min
Woops sorry @@;;
So yesh there XD I tried to do the headphones, but its just freaking annoying XD *coughs* Sorry if I messed them up @@ *paffes*
Unblessed_Love (Oct 15, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours
Still coloring~ ee;
pancakes_rock (Oct 15, 2006)
i love how yo made the hair :O sooo
Unblessed_Love (Oct 26, 2006)
drawn in 48 min
just a short update ee;
drawn in 7 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sweetcell and DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 2, 2006)
After seeing Anna's honey pic and remembering that Cindy said on a pic of mine how she'd like to color on a collab but no-one uses lascaux, and I've been wanting to ask her to do a collab I thought (since she also seems to like Poo) I'd ask her to color this. If not I'll ask someone else but since this collab was specific... *ahem*

Hey DBA, wanna color this?
18 comments – latest 4:
broken-lock14 (Oct 14, 2006)
Ahhh, such nostalgia. :'D *lovelovelove Pooh*

This is wondyful. =^*w*^=
davincipoppalag (Oct 14, 2006)
This thing is so two do well together
Miss_DJ (Oct 14, 2006)
so sweet! beautiful collab you two! makes me wanna go watch a Pooh movie just to hear him bein his 'hummy self'...
pancakes_rock (Oct 15, 2006)
aww you colored it in soo nice i love the balloons in the back
drawn in 5 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Noremac and xswirvex (Oct 7, 2006)
6 comments – latest 4:
Expendable-Studios (Oct 9, 2006)
neat floating rocks, what happened to his head?
Agoylis (Oct 11, 2006)
yes always boobs cam has averted me to his ways but looks a little like dragonball z stance just hope it dont 16 episodes to draw
Yugo (Oct 15, 2006)
Why is it that with all of Cam's poses or hair you say it looks something like Dragon Ball Z Joe? Come on. Sweet pose and color job. His head is on fire though D:
Agoylis (Oct 15, 2006)
i dont know steve maybe ot looks to me like dragon ball z
drawn in 3 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Zeal and R3nji (Oct 14, 2006)
1 comment – latest 4:
Zeal (Oct 14, 2006)
drawn in 28 min
Lol,Hair + Base colors XB
Zeal (Oct 15, 2006)
drawn in 29 min
got lazy D:

Only worked about 5 mins ;_;, MSN is fun XD
Zeal (Oct 20, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 32 min
Thought I lost it when firefox decided to be tarded X:
Zeal (edited Nov 10, 2006)
drawn in 36 min
Touched up the skin,Only took a few mins,But I was busy talking to someone on msn XD
drawn in 3 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cianteed2 (Aug 1, 2006)
7 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Aug 1, 2006)
Awesome lineart, I would but I already have 3 unfinished and 4 collab pieces, too much on my plate :)

May I suggest you ask Deino, he'd do a terrific job.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Aug 1, 2006)
Really neat and cool.............^-^
I wish I could get line art like that all smooth like and not messy..........."sigh"
.................Logging of Lore.V................
I really love this pic. alot...............
The_Chosen (Oct 11, 2006)
beautifuly done!
JK-Arts (Oct 11, 2006)
Outstanding Line work.
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
xswirvex and cianteed2 (Aug 17, 2006)
il finish soon,takin a break
6 comments – latest 4:
hideyourface (Sep 14, 2006)
true dat
Shadow88 (Sep 17, 2006)
I like the shiny eyes how do u do that
beth92093 (Oct 6, 2006)
ok this is strange the horn doesnt even go with the face. i think the pic would look better without the horn but good job!
Unblessed_Love (Oct 9, 2006)
The horn is just over his hair, it doesn't even make sence, looks like the horn stuck on his head, but apart form that its good
drawn in 4 hours 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee and cmoon (Oct 2, 2006)
Is No Good.

Add whatever you want :D

First come first serve.
6 comments – latest 4:
cmoon (Oct 2, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
done... i guess.....
.Goldfish. (Oct 4, 2006)
Reminds me of
just sayin...
senshi (Oct 4, 2006)
but smoking iz bad.
squee (Oct 5, 2006)
.. o_O;; Goldfish, calm down. So what if I drew a dude smoking. The guy doesn't even look like Dromo's. D:<
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kayos and patienceisoverrated (Sep 24, 2006)
Im looking for a colabaration wiht a skilled line artist, that is good at females. I want to make her look all sexylike. I'll color it after but I want someone to do the line work over this. Feel free to fix any anatomy flaws and her face ( Im just horrid at female figures and faces) ;) thanks!
5 comments – latest 4:
Kayos (Sep 29, 2006)
drawn in 47 min
more colors and shadings
Kayos (Sep 30, 2006)
drawn in 28 min
Im not shure If I liek the blue light bars going accross her... maby.. idono
Sweetcell (Oct 2, 2006)
Lovin it, loving it. Just think of the blue bars as her being scanned. Add one on the hair and on the lower waist. Looking good.
Kayos (Oct 8, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
finished version
drawn in 8 hours 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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