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Reku and mx (Jul 12, 2004)
Whee. I'm gonna go grab me a snack and then I'm gonna begin on this again. Hope you
enjoy it when I get through, MX. I can't wait to see you color it!

Edit: I'm almost done. I just have to draw the eyes, camo pattern on the shirt, folds, details in the hair, and cleaning up the boobs and lineart
6 comments – latest 4:
Reku (Jul 14, 2004)
Did I ever tell you I wuv you! 'Specially your coloring....I think not, so I wuv you! +Clings+ Lol, okay enough of my weirdness. It looks great, it looks amazing. I really like how you colored the shirt and the hair.
mx (Jul 14, 2004)
Thanks guys(girls....confusion...seeesh)
Reku...I enjoyed coloring your pic:)
I`ll wanna do it again:)
sal (Jul 15, 2004)
nice line art and colourin guys...
mx (Jul 15, 2004)
thx sal:)
does anyone wanna add to one of my collabs(no one wanted to join eventually)

drawn in 4 hours 37 min with PaintBBS
Fin_beast, concannon, rydicanubis, amuy, raenboe, and more... (Aug 28, 2003)
Anyone that wants 2 draw a little thingy comment.....

First four users that commented have been added! ";
Anyone else that wants to draw please notify me!
52 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 17, 2003)
drawn in 14 min
Enishi (Dec 31, 2003)
^^ I would wanna join too, I'm sure I could fit something in there!
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 11, 2004)
15grifficorntears (Jul 11, 2004)
why did nobody tell me bout this?
drawn in 7 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep and huirimeir (May 27, 2004)
guena tonto....
7 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 8, 2004)
You two make a great team. Zep, I am really curious to know if you do any works in other mediums, as you have such a distinctive and "marketable" style. I have a feeling your paintings would fly out of galleries. So, do ya slap any real paint around?
Axil62 (Jul 8, 2004)
This is just too cool.
zep (Jul 8, 2004)
thanks people thanks a lot....hey DBA...both of us make engravings, etchings, xilographs, lithographs and that kind of stuff...we run a little litograph workshop at our job....thanks for your supporting words, in fact this is our first collab ever....huiri tell me that he wanna starts the next one...we´ll see... :)
safescene (Jul 8, 2004)
I would love to know if you have a website for your artwork, zep. All of it is just so wonderful, so wonderful that I can't even put into words how much I'm inspired by them. You two really do work very well together: the shadows and vibrant colors are amazing....'s so great! Flegugerkurkd (just a word of mind boggleness nonsense kinda' thing)
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
audie (Jul 8, 2004)
screw this...I aint dealeataingfsd it
drawn in 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Wharg (Jul 7, 2004)
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mooseflower and Knockoff (May 31, 2004)
Yes, I'm fine, I'm just watching the apocolypse.
16 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 8, 2004)
Hey, this is great. The two of you work well together. :)
mooseflower (Jun 8, 2004)
KO, the phrase "my crappy coloring" should not be in your vocabulary. Laurael's right, all I did was add a few little touchie thingies :)
Kloxboy (Jun 11, 2004)
This is great guys. Very trippy. The funny thing is, that kid is really in his kitchen and that dragon he's talking to is actually a toaster, damned drugs, he's fried.
Knockoff (Jul 7, 2004)
Well, that I ment by crappy coloring, is its not half as good as mooseflowers, not that mine sucks ;)
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with PaintBBS
longway and cmb (Jun 23, 2004)
i will let you start
4 comments – latest 4:
longway (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 42 min
did a
cmb (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 16 min
Just altered tha mouth slightly and added a few highlights and shadows- Do you think its finished enough now to submit ? LOL
emmamommalag (Jul 4, 2004)
You girls are doing some good stuff together here. Nice shade of green on the hair. Brings back memories.. a friend, who had bleached hair, went swimming in a public pool and her hair turned green like that.
cmb (Jul 4, 2004)
I have a friend that happened to aswell!
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
craptastic_spaztic and LovelyLori (Mar 31, 2004)

Collab with LovelyLori.
11 comments – latest 4:
LovelyLori (Apr 19, 2004)
glad ya like it... I don't... I think it would've been MUCH better had spaz done it all by himself, my heart just wasn't in this at the time... and it should be brighter, etc... etc....
Supergurl103 (Apr 26, 2004)
hehehe, lovely, lori, hope more pictures coming on the way ;) hi lori!!! :)
tivatdoar (May 13, 2004)
cool name! :-)
Bumble_Beez (Jul 2, 2004)
It's cute and funny, but I feel bad for the cat ;_;
drawn in 4 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Fin_beast and Childlike_Vampire (Jun 9, 2004)
A battle between NV (Childlike_Vampire) and Bhaen (Fin_Beast).
8 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (Jun 19, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
Childlike_Vampire (Jun 21, 2004)
You kin set it to finished now, methinks. *nods* :D
DMV (Jun 21, 2004)
This rocks! Came out real good:)
Xodiak (Jun 29, 2004)
Hehe, it looks so great, I wonder who the winner will be in such a battle! >:D
drawn in 8 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
zep and Zack (Jun 13, 2004)
will be the last day...
9 comments – latest 4:
zep (Jun 15, 2004)
wow...this is a really nice...nice...i can tell at least a couple of histories about this pic with this bg...
davincipoppalag (edited Jun 16, 2004)
"...left a good job in the city....workin' for the man every night and day..." Creedence.... Great image you two... He looks like he walked across the causeway to get away from the hip hop playing on the boomboxes.........
zep (Jun 16, 2004)
i was thinking about a couple of details, but it´s so good at this´s done
raevella (Jun 26, 2004)
I like how the colors set the mood of this "story". They reflect the way the character seems to feel. If all of the lineart were removed, I would still be moved by the colors alone.
drawn in 2 hours 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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