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sketcher2005 (Nov 30, 2005)
4 comments – latest 4:
kitty25 (Nov 30, 2005)
the grass is very good and cool ! cool colorts!
TOL-CREW (Nov 30, 2005)
sketcher2005 (Nov 30, 2005)
you know she means colors dummy! thks kitty!
TOL-CREW (Dec 4, 2005)
i know i was just messing around good picture! sorry kitty!
drawn in 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
RewindButton (Dec 3, 2005)
Eh. =/
2 comments – latest 2:
Rudeezy (Dec 3, 2005)
the face looks a little too squished vertically, but it's not bad. ;D
Sequinn (Dec 4, 2005)
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
yuohoo (Dec 3, 2005)
I think it looks kinda wierd,oh well. I finished watching "Bogus Booty" on Samurai Champloo. And Mugen looks really awsome with..Oh nevernd.
drawn in 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DaisyChan (Nov 25, 2005)
Finish in a sec :D
10 comments – latest 4:
mybettastorm (Nov 26, 2005)
It's smudged because she probably used airbrush, I think it makes the coloring look better. ;D
xiau (Nov 26, 2005)
Hands are satan...
But are very handy :D (Oh, I am so punny.)
I hardly ever draw them >_>;;
DaisyChan (Nov 27, 2005)
Lol Xiau you draw hands just fine ^_^
Zeal (Dec 3, 2005)
i never NEED to draw hands.. serpents.. rawer
drawn in 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
yuohoo (Dec 3, 2005)
I saw narutofans drwings and I found plenty of Sakura,Ino,Ten ten and others. So I thought I would try to draw Sakura,and I also thought I would give it to narutofan.
4 comments – latest 4:
hideyourface (Dec 3, 2005)
well. it looks absoluitely nothing like her, but uh, good attempt. sort of.
kitty25 (Dec 3, 2005)
this is very good! And i kinda doesb't look like her !
narutofan (Dec 3, 2005)
thank you so much sorry i haven't commented yet :DDDDDD you have my eternal thanks
yuohoo (Dec 3, 2005)
I know it dosen't look like her,but think it as if she had an accident,and I did surgery on her. And she turned out like this,hehe.
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
ShikamaruBegley (Dec 3, 2005)
Just nothing
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
marini135 and IamaCunt (Nov 11, 2005)
3 comments – latest 4:
marini135 (Nov 11, 2005)
IamaCunt (Nov 11, 2005)
homey (Dec 3, 2005)
Cool and shading you should add.
IamaCunt (Dec 10, 2005)
drawn in 1 min
shading added
drawn in 28 min with PaintBBS
kristine (Nov 16, 2005)
It look me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It's probably the dest drawing ive ever done.
9 comments – latest 4:
uchiatatsuho55 (Nov 17, 2005)
"last week Japanese Scientists placed explosive detenators at the bottom of lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Secort Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its residents, andd all those who seek the peaceful existance of our underwater ally."
"Bull crap, Napolean."
"Randy, why don't you go find your grandmother or something, you're buggin' the heck outta me! GOSH!" NP=<3
xiau (Nov 17, 2005)
Eee, I saw this in the recently commented images and was like "...OMG"
Heehee... Thank you so much! X3 That's the best movie EVAR.
Haha... Thanks again! It looks just like him!! XD You have skills.
"You should probably come get it...since I can't fit my numb-chucks in there anymore."
kristine (edited Nov 17, 2005)
XD. funny stuff, man, funny stuff.
"Will you buy ome lanyards to help raise money for me to go to college?"
homey (Dec 3, 2005)
You could of addd some color and shading.
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
chickenmonster2001 (Dec 3, 2005)
A little something I did. Half of the time was me trying to figure out everything. This is my first drawing with a Tablet.
1 comment – latest 1:
narutofan (Dec 3, 2005)
very nice
drawn in 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Punky (Dec 3, 2005)
I might use this as my icon.
5 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Dec 3, 2005)
nekodesu (Dec 3, 2005)
I love it :) The rabbit clock is so cute.
Punky (Dec 3, 2005)
neko: It's a windup (clockwork) robot rabbit. But thanks. :]
solve (Dec 3, 2005)
i want this giant mech wabbit! cool pic punky.
drawn in 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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