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101_Torchic_101 (Nov 30, 2005)
(^_^) Yay! This is adorable!
6 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 13, 2005)
Thank you. :P
kristine (edited Dec 13, 2005)
hey why dont you draw something and ill line it :)
something easy O.o
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 13, 2005)
how? (i sound stupid right now)
Fire_Dragon (Dec 17, 2005)
awww its so kawaii!! <(^.^)>
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
woah_pockster (Nov 30, 2005)
now.. please..?
5 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (edited Nov 30, 2005)
haha, i've said that with that expression before, my girlfriend wasnt home :[
Fire_Dragon (Dec 17, 2005)
awwwww so sad!!! T.T (>^.^)>
sephiroth54321 (Dec 17, 2005)
Great expression, nice lines, I really like this. A mod might nail you for the title tho *shrugs*
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Dec 17, 2005)
aww.... that's so sad...
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DoOp (Nov 30, 2005)
A N I M E o.o;;; what i can sorta do and what i drew all my life~0~ n now i try this ._. reference whould have helped, but then.... ignore that... I tried =0= it's raining =d n yea
3 comments – latest 4:
DoOp (Nov 30, 2005)
drawn in 33 min
ughaskfnkdsjlangve i should use reference...
mybettastorm (Nov 30, 2005)
You are really good at drawing, and I like your animie people just as much. ^^
DoOp (Nov 30, 2005)
drawn in 7 min
mx (edited Nov 30, 2005)
this is one of those EXTREMELY difficult angles. It has a nice watercolor-ish effect to it
I have some advice though.
1) The nose is viewed from the in effect the tip of her nose can overlap her forehead to create foreshortening.
2) her dress` straps can do the same...they can imply that they are moving "over" her shoulders. Keep in mind that the straps are not exactly level with her shoulders, but in fact has thickness of the material. Also follow the roundness of her body with these straps.
go well

drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Felistorm (Nov 27, 2005)
Still working on this but liked how it was coming out so far. It is looking funky outside here. (all brown and gold in the sky) :P Gotta keep an eye on the weather as we are in tornado watches and all. That and I am exhausted. Will finish later. :D
5 comments – latest 4:
woah_pockster (Nov 28, 2005)
You're going to get a lot better real fast. I know it. :D <3
Felistorm (Nov 30, 2005)
drawn in 3 hours 31 min
Hmmmm still not quite right. Not sure if I like it. I do and yet I don't really. I dunno.
mybettastorm (Nov 30, 2005)
I think this looks better than before. ^_^
woah_pockster (Nov 30, 2005)
I think the bg should be a darker gray blueee, if not, then a stone wall would've looked cool too :P <33
drawn in 4 hours 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 30, 2005)
(0_0) *huff puff* Just the Line-art took a bit more than an hour! Geez! It's a miracal! This is my first time drawing-Hey, even TRYING to draw him...IT LOOKS SO GREAT!..
9 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 30, 2005)
(^_^) Thanks..This is much better then that one picture of Zelos that I did on Intermediate, Huh? I thought that that one was my best picture, But this one is.
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 30, 2005)
drawn in 37 sec
I noticed that I just forgot something little..
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Nov 30, 2005)
YAY! TEH SMEXY-NESS!!! X3 awsome job!!
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 30, 2005)
(^_^) Thank you! (0.0) And, yes, Kratos is very smexeh..
drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
impolsion (Nov 30, 2005)
For Nursery Rhyme week ;D
4 comments – latest 4:
impolsion (Nov 30, 2005)
drawn in 1 min
Minor adjustments.
yuohoo (Nov 30, 2005)
Aww that is cute,a cow with a dress.
woah_pockster (Dec 1, 2005)
roflmao XD I was in a bit of a sour mood and as soon as I saw this I started laughing. :D thanks :] <333
narutofan (Dec 2, 2005)
omg i love cows!!. so cute and funny
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thesolarwinds (Nov 30, 2005)
dont have time to finish.... have to go to class...
2 comments – latest 2:
Caddris (Nov 30, 2005)
Pretty horse! I love the movement of this picture.
mybettastorm (Nov 30, 2005)
You are really good at horses, I suck at them!
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thesolarwinds (Nov 30, 2005)
I think there was something weird in my tea this morning........
1 comment – latest 1:
sketcher2005 (Nov 30, 2005)
i really like your style its really cool! the expression in the face is very strange but very "dramatic" love it
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic
vergildmc3 (Nov 30, 2005)
hahaha this is not a halloween pic!! :3
1 comment – latest 1:
hideyourface (Nov 30, 2005)
stay on the beginner board for a while yo.
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
frootcake (Nov 30, 2005)
copied hand from my new book :) and the apple is a granny smith.
3 comments – latest 3:
IamaCunt (Nov 30, 2005)
awesome detail on the hand and apple
frootcake (Nov 30, 2005)
thanks :) but im a bit disappointed with the detail on the hand, don't know how to make the lines sharper, its not very smooth and hurts my eyes
LisaAnne (Nov 30, 2005)
Dig this...makes me kind of giggle too, because it reminds me alot of stuff I did in highschool as far as ideas/composition.
I would encourage you to put a slight more detail in the hand some how, and I don't necessarily mean make it more "realistic"...just more detail...I rather like the contrast in drawing styles between the skeleton hand and apple.
Nice job.
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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