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(Aug 19, 2006)
I always thought it was stupid that his mouth was covered in metal, yet he could move his mouth |
(Aug 20, 2006)
Ironically, as I started this one, a quick and violent storm came up here and I had to shut down my pc! Can't lose this baby!! Already lost one modem that way!!
Visual-Kei (Aug 20, 2006)
I love going outside during thunderstorms and watching the lightning.
Sweetcell (Aug 20, 2006)
Used to do that myself as a kid Deathnote now I'm too chicken, but I love watching storms.I can hear the guy who plays the Cowardly Lion now, "It's a twitsah, it's a twistah." Love the whole effect from the twistah to the tree.
davincipoppalag (Aug 20, 2006)
I like the cloud tops...but the lightning needs more "oompf"..the burn tool is good for that kind of thing...and the sky in the area below the clouds..would be that.."greenish-gray" looking ominous color.. It's a good picture...take a look at a couple of the twister pictures DeadlyBlondeArcher did......
elly (Aug 21, 2006)
Thanks for the "expert" advise david ;) I'll check DBA's drawings for sure! I think if I was looking at a reference when I drew this, I would have gotten more "oompf" in the whole thing but I was just drawing out of the blue....or gray if you want to look at it that way LOL. |
(Aug 20, 2006)
Hi-new here =]Just a random (and badly drawn -.-;; ) fantasy piece. I only like the background though.
tyler_da_bomb2 (Aug 20, 2006)
i really like the back ground to this piece nice job
Pkingsora (Aug 20, 2006)
This is pretty intense..i like it..hehe i guess just refine the lines abit and you'll be set<3 |
(Aug 20, 2006)
(: He also looks like a bit of a wishful thinker.Taking a break, plzkthx. :0 OCD'ing over lineart cannot be good for one's health. The lineart isn't even done yet... D:
I'm officially sick of drawing for the day.
Ha, he looks like a broken doll, doesn't he? A scary one.
tyler_da_bomb2 (Aug 20, 2006)
he looks like a freindly vampire can wait to see this when its done nice job so far keep it upXDA bit o' better coloring. Ciao.
(Jul 18, 2006)
I started first on beginners, 'cause I wanted to practice drawing realism, but then I noticed that the space is too small soo.Bye. edit. Yes, I was drawing myself, but it doesn't look like me so I refuse to say that's me. Eh. She is just a girl who reminds people of me. D8 edit 2. I just wanted to get this out of my studio D: And please move to beginner~! Crappy job.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Aug 27, 2006)
DOUGHNUTS ! are good. Toast sucks, Davinci! <8-----D; Muffins rule the world. Admit it.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 17, 2006)
Noo! Don't comment this xD I don't want this to be on the front page, this is horrible D:Anyways thank you.. I appreciate your words even I can't take them that seriously :00;; <33 |
(Aug 20, 2006)
Esta sou eu, LIKAtm ELVENNIGHTtm.. (desenho BEM simples) A inventei em 7 de janeiro de 1999 e continuo a desenhando esse tempo todo.. Foi fácil fazer esse desenho.. Uma Elfa de cabelos cor-de-rosa, a mais linda da Ilha (a terra dela) que foi "criada" por Elfos Negros (Elfos Escuros).. Fiz uma coisa diferente (a cor dos olhos e do cabelo) dos Elfos comuns, que são morenos ou loiros porque eles são.... muito comuns! Ela tem um banjo com uma espada dentro! Nos olhos dela você pode ver melancolia profunda, anos atrás [quando ela tinha 32 anos de idade -4 anos de idade na idade humana-] ela viu, em uma guerra, a mãe e o pai dela sangrando como se fossem morrer.. Mas a Lika já superou essa tristeza! Ela é a Barda -multiclasse- e matou um só monstro na vida dela (A Lika é imortal): um demônio (FUFUFU!!! \m/Ò Ó\m/ [METAL!!!]).. Essa cor rosa dos cabelos e dos olhos, fiz como homenagem à minha mana [na verdade uma MUITO AMADA E ESPECIAL AMIGA minha (somos amigas desde 1992!)] que a cor preferida é rosa! EU AMO MINHA LIKA!!! Ela é MINHA, não copie!!Eu amo todos vocês! \m/ =******* \m/ _______________________________________________________ This is [me] LIKAtm ELVENNIGHTtm.. (simple drawing) I created her in January seventh/1999 and still drawing her now a days.. It was very easy to be done.. A pink-haired maiden Elf, the most beautiful in the Island (her Land) who was "raised" by Dark Elves.. I made something different (the color of eyes and hair) from the commun Elves, who are brunettes or blondes, cause they are.... just commun! I love her Banjo-sword! In her eyes you can see a deep melancholy, years ago [when she was 32 -4 years old in the human age-] she saw, in a war, her mom and dad bleeding like if they were dying.. But Lika has already overcome this sadness! She is the Bard -multiclass- and killed just one monster in her life (Lika is immortal): a demon (FUFUFU!!! \m/Ò Ó\m/ [METAL!!!]).. That pink color of hair and eyes I made as a tribute to my sis [actually a VERY LOVED AND SPECIAL FRIEND of mine (we are friends since 1992!)] whom favorite color is pink! I LOVE MY LIKA!!! She is MINE, do not copy!! I love you all! |
(Aug 20, 2006)
I could never get used to the sight of the Astarran night patrol. I try not to make eye contact and do my best to avoid confrontation... I cannot help but wonder what these servents of Astarr really are. Were they once men, loyal to the cruel overlord and turned into machines? Or could they be our country's fallen warriors, brought back from the dead to serve against their will? The thought that one of these ghoulish machine men could have once been my husband haunt my dreams at night.
Sweetcell (Aug 20, 2006)
A pic from the DC of Kensington. Your pictures always stand out and I love to look at them and all the little details you put in. Hope to learn the mysetery behind these men. And those are some badass guns.
nekodesu (Aug 20, 2006)
Scary >_< I wouldn't want an army of them patroling my area.
sincity (Nov 10, 2006)
cool. sorry I missed this one. :} |
(Aug 20, 2006)
Halyn doesn't really... he sees Nightmares... but still...=___=;; Hal's new hair makes him look a lot like Yoh... *hugs ma poor tormented albino kid* ...Um... yeah... didn't know what to draw T_T;; I had an idea, but when I got round to it... I forgot what it was @A@;;
sukua_2005_ (Aug 20, 2006)
When I looked at the description I thought of that line from the Invader Zim Halloween special when Dib says, "Horrible...Nightmare visions!" and then I laughed because Mrs. Bitters goes "It's called life, Dib. Get used to it." XD
Resha-Murdock (Aug 20, 2006)
XD hahahaha.. yeaaah~~ *remembers* |
– latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Aug 20, 2006)
This is rather good...I like your style very much
~Wolf~ (Aug 21, 2006)
I like this. |
(Aug 20, 2006)
yeah.... gotta go clean.... I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with this... but I like the way the horse looks.
Juni_gatsu (Aug 20, 2006)
ooh, this is going to be amazing!The horse is beautiful so far, please finish this soon XD
Sweetcell (Aug 20, 2006)
Agreed, the horse is nicely sketched, with her flowing skirts this is will lovely.
Childlike_Vampire (Aug 23, 2006)
This is beautiful, I really like this a lot. I especially like her sleeves. |
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