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p3ndragon (Jul 21, 2005)
2 comments – latest 4:
little_cheddar (Jul 22, 2005)
Oh cool. Mountins.
p3ndragon (Jul 23, 2005)
drawn in 38 min
p3ndragon (Aug 23, 2005)
drawn in 25 min
Lack of talent.
GOODBYE (Aug 23, 2005)
evil cloud=more talent than me.
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DieChan (Dec 3, 2004)
Joo are SO not fugleh.

Maiko: Nuuuuu! I ish very fugleh!! >_<;;

She's not. Tell her she's not. Right now. Good.
14 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 4, 2004)
Mai is hot. *droolz*

Hehe cute piccy. :D
Reich (Dec 8, 2004) just dont get it...any ways Mai you are only as prity as you feel...or somthing like so im not that good at this metaphore thing -_-' the point is just listen to your friends...they will never lie to you *looks at brytani and cam* right guys?.....right??.....aww c'mon....guys?
Noremac (Mar 5, 2005)
nope..... never lie.... ever.
xiau (Aug 23, 2005)
You ain't fugleh! You ish very pretty, Maiko! You're the first foxperson character on this site, you CAN'T be fugleh!
I've seen your piccies, you is SO not fugleh
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Mal (Aug 22, 2005)
Human form practice
7 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Aug 23, 2005)
Hehe, nice. Something a little strange about the breasts but i'm anatomist so i really don't know what.
Mal (Aug 23, 2005)
Thanks all, I used a tutorial in an art book for the reference. & I need more practice drawing people & picking up on the Subtleties of anatomical details.
davincipoppalag (edited Aug 23, 2005)
There are also some good tutorials in the forums someplace for all that kind of thing.. might take some hunting but they are good ones...actually they were easy mazi pinned it...
hideyourface (Aug 23, 2005)
I think her ribcage looks too low and should be a bit wider than her stomach. Also, you cant really see her right shoulder. maybe it's just the shading. This is a great site for anatomy/hands etc.. you can shoose from different books and see all the scanned pages. It helps with a sort of basic bone structure, and simplified muscles.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
triple_six_mafia (Aug 23, 2005)
1 comment – latest 1:
hideyourface (Aug 23, 2005)
neat. I think it'd better on a different coloured background though. Also, you should fix up the little bits outside the lines alon the edge.
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
fleeting_memory (Aug 15, 2004)
scene two

To understand this for all of those who weren't here for the beginning go here:
6 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Aug 15, 2005)
The girl looks very sweet... >;)
Cooper (Aug 15, 2005)
what is it? XD
KH44N (Aug 15, 2005)
This looks really cool. I like the smoky effect on the bottom.
Thear (Aug 23, 2005)
I cheer for red caped....thing! ^^
drawn in 3 hours 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
voodoobunny (Aug 23, 2005)
baru baru Baru.
My lovely character. I just love her <3
btw..why does her right hand look so strange?
2 comments – latest 2:
KH44N (Aug 23, 2005)
WOW! This looks very nice. I like the highlights on the hair and u did a great job on the hand (on the left). The hand on the right looks a little strange, it only has 4 fingers. lol. But other than that, everything looks gorgeous!
voodoobunny (Aug 23, 2005)
the right does have 5 fingers. you see, 2 fingers are together ^^
drawn in 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Jakira (Aug 21, 2005)
my first"realistic pic"
4 comments – latest 4:
Jakira (Aug 21, 2005)
drawn in 18 min
hideyourface (edited Aug 23, 2005)
well.. the eyes are too far aparts, you shouldn't shade at the top of the nose, there should be more shading underneath the nose, lips, eyebrows, and neck, and the neck should be straight, not curved.

But not bad..
nekodesu (Aug 21, 2005)
I suggest you use a reference until you can draw without looking at them. It'll take a while though. Just look up something on google or something. But this isn't a bad start :)
p3ndragon (Aug 23, 2005)
Like Nekodesu said, start by using a reference. The eyes are a little far apart and large. The nose is pretty good, but needs more shape. I don't think this should be in the intermediate board.
drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Marienkind (Sep 27, 2003)
(sucks thumb)
6 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Sep 27, 2003)
Evil teeth. Lol.

Love the firey glose and the hellish background, but uberly love the jacket. -steals it-
mazi (edited Sep 27, 2003)

hey babe.. like your shoes... wanna collab? >_>

lol jk [edit:no wait.. we can make a mazi/marienkind-zilla collab if you want.. that might be funny.]
ShadowKitten (Sep 27, 2003)
That is really funny, i like the teeth.
Xodiak (Aug 23, 2005)
The effects are so nice, she looks really really angry! >:D
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kowst (May 21, 2003)
my bestest friend ever.
14 comments – latest 4:
mazi (edited May 21, 2003)
holy crap thats awesome.. good stuff.. nudes are so pretty
Einz (edited May 22, 2003)
what can i say its just excelent

kowst 4 president
Wez (Apr 13, 2004)
really life like its cool
Xodiak (Aug 23, 2005)
I was browsing on drawings of the past and wanted to comment again on this drawing... She is very sexy she makes me feel excited! >:D
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drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Animegirl250 (Aug 20, 2005)
Dont ask why the dragon is...kinda spiraling...It just ended that way.
3 comments – latest 3:
KH44N (Aug 21, 2005)
This is awesome! The light look gorgeous, the spikes and the teeth look just great. Excellent work! ^__^
davincipoppalag (Aug 21, 2005)
It's a nice looking spiraling dragon..
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Aug 23, 2005)
thats SO good! i wish i could draw like that!
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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