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thesolarwinds (Sep 11, 2006)
trying something....
2 comments – latest 4:
thesolarwinds (Sep 12, 2006)
drawn in 34 min
getting booted off
thesolarwinds (Sep 12, 2006)
drawn in 28 min
Sweetcell (Sep 14, 2006)
Ahh, I love these fantasy pieces of yours. I keep meaning to do more fantasy pieces but go onto something else so I can get my fix by looking at yours. :) She's looking pretty.
fleeting_memory (Sep 14, 2006)
I like the glow of the stars behind her-The purple makes it feel extra magical.
drawn in 4 hours 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thesolarwinds (Aug 22, 2006)
1 comment – latest 1:
hideyourface (Sep 14, 2006)
its purty
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
IkariIreuL (Sep 8, 2006)
Someone else did it before but I didn´t had patience to search.
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Sep 9, 2006)
It's the Wright Flyer and a giant carp falling from the sky side by side?
IkariIreuL (Sep 9, 2006)
Wright Flyer ?
Sweetcell (Sep 14, 2006)
What exactly is this? I look and I just don't see it.
drawn in 5 hours 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
camadeon (Sep 14, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
KuteDymples (Sep 14, 2006)
Looks good so far!
darkshadow (Sep 14, 2006)
so was this boot mad for walking
sorry had to say it
looks good like the ripples
Sweetcell (Sep 14, 2006)
Nicely done, almost suede. Only thing to me is the outlines are a little ragged and there's some bleeding in some areas (color showing through.) Maybe just clean up the lines and sharpen the toe and top and heel.
fleeting_memory (Sep 14, 2006)
yay for boot-a nice looking boot at that, lil fuzzy round the edges though.
drawn in 1 hour 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DMV (Sep 12, 2006)
Pepsi is addicting ......
8 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Sep 12, 2006)
great silouette!
fleeting_memory (Sep 12, 2006)
lol nice soda cup.
DMV (Sep 14, 2006)
Thanks everyone:) this was my second atttempt , AOL booted me off:(
darkshadow (Sep 14, 2006)
that back ground totaly kicks ass
aol suxs
drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DMV (Sep 10, 2006)
This is probably not Intermediate level...sorry .
learning the applet all over again.
8 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Sep 11, 2006)
I'd recognize that drawing anywhere! Welcome back!
DMV (Sep 12, 2006)
Nice to know I was missed:)
Anna (Sep 13, 2006)
heck yes you were missed! welcome back :D
HunterKiller_ (Sep 13, 2006)
Hey dude. The halftone(?) on the left side is totally buzzing me out. It looked like it's flickering and shifting up and down like T.V static, because i've got an LCD monitor. Totally trippy. =D
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
elly (Sep 11, 2006)
You'll just have to wait and see.......=)
6 comments – latest 4:
elly (Sep 11, 2006)
believe it or not kutie, these are my first! It took me a while to feel they were looking realistic but I got the hang of it.....I think!

suntan toes, I love your user name....and I love it when my feet are tan!!!! Thank you =)
fleeting_memory (Sep 11, 2006)
nice water droplets-I've never been able to figure out water :)
emmamommalag (Sep 13, 2006)
I haven't tried drawing water like this but you are inspiring me with this and your others.. I just might have to give it a go one of these days.
Sweetcell (Sep 13, 2006)
After seeing these water pics of yours I really have to try myself. I don't know how hard it is but damn you make me want to try. It's all a matter of placement of refractive colors and shapes I know, but it's harder than it seems. Hope you do more of them elly, you obviously got the hang of it.
drawn in 5 hours 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
KuteDymples (Sep 13, 2006)
something is wrong with the drawing program, had to submit before I even got started
4 comments – latest 4:
KuteDymples (Sep 13, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 15 min
Just might be done, I will have to look at it a few times before I can decide.
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (edited Sep 13, 2006)
I def agree her face is so different from many others. I think you pinned looks great :)

I love how you did her hair
KuteDymples (Sep 13, 2006)
drawn in 5 min
I don't like this background, as soon as I get more space granted it is going to be changed.
KuteDymples (Sep 14, 2006)
drawn in 35 min
Now she looks more "finished"
drawn in 4 hours 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Hakkai (Aug 25, 2006)
" Stoooop~! I'm not gay! I'm asexual! "

xD Pook Koinu-kun. He has no sexual preferences. He just loves people in general, though not in the way Ookami-sama wants.
12 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (Aug 30, 2006)
XD I love it!
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Aug 31, 2006)
aw, cute. XD I feel kinda bad for him though X3
kiketsu (Sep 5, 2006)
lol. i feel bad for him as well. it sucks to want someone but cant have em! >_<''
fleeting_memory (Sep 12, 2006)
haha awesome. Poor Koinu-kun lol.
drawn in 2 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Heartsdomain (Sep 4, 2006)

Hey I got inspired by dark hot guys in devil may cry style!
what you think?
3 comments – latest 4:
Heartsdomain (Sep 10, 2006)
drawn in 19 min
how does it look???
The_Chosen (Sep 10, 2006)
It's a litle fuzzy but i like it it has a dark sletchy thing going on
Sweetcell (Sep 10, 2006)
Oooo creepy and sexy and like how the eye's just peacking through the hair.
Heartsdomain (edited Sep 12, 2006)
thax you guys! what do u mean fuzzy?
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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