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thug (Sep 30, 2004)
I just don't know....
7 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 1, 2004)
This is so.... I don't know... satirical? Yes, it is, it's satirical, and hilarious. Don't worry, the lady's got a gun in her garter. I'm sure of it. :)
canibal_misfits (Oct 1, 2004)
dude in blue looks like jack from will and grace
Zack (edited Oct 1, 2004)
This looks like a still from one of those 'male enhancement' commercials.
Jenny: Goodness, Bill, that's quite a big axe you have there.
Bill: Uh, it sure is, Jenny.
Jenny: You look like you handle it well, though.
Andy: You bet he does, honey. He practices with it every day.
*polite laughter*
emmamommalag (Oct 4, 2004)
Wonderful job on the axe, itself but the details on the clothing, the shading and lighting, etc are all so good as well. Great pic! :)
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 11, 2004)
I decided today that if there aren't going to be any dogs allowed in heaven that I don't really care that much if I get to go there, either.
25 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 15, 2004)
Aubrey you made me cry again. *Hugs back* Thank you. (Goatlord's been smokin goatweed or something I think?) lol
Zack (Oct 1, 2004)
This is a beautiful but bittersweet surprise. I grieve for you.

Cindy, heaven will better than you or I are even capable of comprehending. Forget those stupid cliches about having halos, wings and harps, and sitting around on clouds being bored. Your worst day in heaven will be a thousand times better than your best day in this life. No wonder Paul urges us to run the race so as to win the prize. You should read C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce." I also recommend Luke 11:9-13. God would not withold Scout from his beloved daughter.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 1, 2004)
Oh, Zack... such a sweet guy... and you made me cry when I thought that was all over. I have read the bible from Genesis to Revelations more than once or twice, but I haven't read "The Great Divorce". One I missed, but if you recommend it I'll read it soon. I believe what you say is true. I could just hug you and squeeze the stuffing out of you if you were here. :)
Cordelia_Pink (edited Oct 4, 2004)
Wow, this is incredible, man. It gives me a meaning of Freedom and Love (in which the title already has) and ethereal beauty. =) And a spirit flying free.

And Deadlyblonde, or Cindy, I'm pretty sure that anyone with a soul or a spirit can go to heaven and that includes dogs. You know that animals also have spirits and so once they've passed this mortal life and their physical bodies are buried, they're in heaven, happy to be in peace. =) [BUT] as long as they (the dogs) never harmed anyone or killed another being, then they will be allowed in heaven. Their actions and how they behaved here on Earth does matter in order to achieve that place of peacefulness and good. (wow, I'm sounding a little preachy lol)

Anyhow, the point I'm saying is that this picture is interpreting Freedom to live and be at peace and it's beautiful. Very deep meaning. I hope you come to understand that heaven is the best place to be. There is no other place that you can experience eternal joy and... yeah... well, you get the idea, I guess. (not that I have experienced it but I do believe it's possible that THAT is the place...)

Peace out!
drawn in 9 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 29, 2004)
What kind of love have you got?
You should be home, but you're not
A room full of noise and dangerous boys
still makes you thirsty and hot
I heard about you and that man
There's just one thing I don't understand
You say he's a liar
and he put out your fire
How come you still got his gun in your hand?

Victim of Love, I see a broken heart....

Someone said when you draw someone upside down, that your brain has to work on the opposite side than that of which it normally does, so I wanted to try it. (for me that would be the right side, since I'm left-handed)
It just confirmed what I have always believed, that the left side of my brain is completely retarded. He didn't look anything like I intended, and I just couldn't get it right, so I had her smother him with a pillow and changed the name. lol (an idea that came to me anyway while I was talking to someone and drawing) ;)
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Oct 1, 2004)
Oh blondes... use the guy...and throw away the body... lol
thug (Oct 1, 2004)
I volunteer to be her next victim
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 1, 2004)
Get in line, darlin. LOL
A3 (Oct 2, 2004)
I think the guy looked ok. Better than I could do anyway...

Left-handers will rule the world!! Mwahahahahah!
drawn in 10 hours 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
EverDream (May 30, 2004)
Heehee...this little guy was a lot of fun to do..did a lot of his anatomy by memory though I'm probably sure that there are a few errors. Can't really help that hand hurts! XP
15 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Jun 1, 2004)
I love this :) The wings are gorgeous... and the glow effect is amazing :)
BlueDreamer (edited Jun 3, 2004)
This drawing is very COOL! you are talented. I think you did an amazing job on the wings. They're very intricite, and I can clearly see that you took time to draw this piece. Excellent.
cheetos (Jul 16, 2004)
ooo_o neato!!!
dijum (Oct 1, 2004)
dang thats good!!!!!!!!!!!dang!!!!!!!!!!!!i love the hair and wings!!!!!!!!!dang!
drawn in 5 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
staci (Sep 22, 2004)
8 comments – latest 4:
Aubrey (Sep 23, 2004)
*dusts off Dixie's studio* silly girl.. ya just don't know how talented ya are. This is a really purdy Staci. It's neat how the pearls are smoother than the rest of it.
purple_Llama (Sep 28, 2004)
In a word-stunning.
davincipoppalag (Sep 28, 2004)
Another one I didnt see! And I would have been very upset if I had missed this! I love the way you built this and the way you see light.. wonderful.
Lauren_Garcia (Sep 29, 2004)
i love your style. how magnificent.
drawn in 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Aug 28, 2004)
Rocks under water.

I spent alot of time experimenting with the water in this one...playing around with it... so the actual production time for what you see is less than duration shown on the clock. This is the first picture for me to post since back from vacation, and while I was gone to the beach I had such a strong urge to draw that I drove into town and bought a sketch pad and pencils (I forgot my pastels) and sketched the buildings, ships, jetties, and all that I could see from the deck of the beach house. I had kind of forgotten how much fun it was just to really draw on paper.
27 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (Sep 1, 2004)
aww, why'd ya do that? now I want another baby again... ugggggh....
very cutesie though, and congrats to all
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 2, 2004)
That is the most adorable little baby! Is that you with her? You are both so beautiful!! Too pretty for words.
Aubrey (Sep 2, 2004)
I agree with everything everyone has said about everything. lol
Wisca (Sep 29, 2004)
I like what you did
drawn in 21 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
spiritdweller and staci (Sep 22, 2004)
thanks Stac :)
10 comments – latest 4:
staci (Sep 22, 2004)
i think its pretty..and gross..but pretty
Kloxboy (Sep 22, 2004)
That's nice, are they selling these on QVC?
spiritdweller (Sep 27, 2004)
yeah, they're pretty easy to come by...
davincipoppalag (Sep 28, 2004)
Bubblewrap to the extreme?
drawn in 1 hour 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Aubrey (May 8, 2004)
This ship was called Endurance and it sank in 1915 after becoming trapped in the icy waters of Antarctica. This picture was taken just before it sank.
12 comments – latest 4:
Lois_Lion (May 10, 2004)
Wow,this is amazing Aubs.The eerie,ghostly colours used & the intricate design look fantastic here : )
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 11, 2004)
This is cool, don't know how I missed it earlier but glad I caught it. Looks like an awful lot of work in the details on that ship... You did a great job on it.
DieChan (May 13, 2004)
In seventh grade I saw a documentary on the Endurance and saw this exact ghostly picture. You have captured its freakiness, in a good way. Looks just like that ship.

Haha. They shouldn't have been sailing in the icy waters of the Antarctic. Then they wouldn't have plowed right into the ice and get their only ship crushed. Idiots. (IJP, I'm just playing)

This is really awesome! Very nice work. ^^
the_thoroughbred_lady (Sep 26, 2004)
whoa skipper I think we took a wrong turn
drawn in 7 hours 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
spiritdweller (Sep 2, 2004)
25 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Sep 5, 2004)
This is just great, lori! I knew when I saw your first clay picture, you'd do more and that they would be wonderful. You are good at this...absolutely. :)
spiritdweller (Sep 5, 2004)
thank ya dear ;)
Xodiak (Sep 9, 2004)
Hahaha! This drawing is very funny and nice! I have not seen the movie unfortunately, but your drawing is so lovely! The chickens look like made of real clay! >:D
Gracickle (Sep 25, 2004)
RUN LITTLE CHICKEN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drawn in 5 hours 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 2, 2004)
I sketched a picture almost identical to this on paper while I was at the beach, combining a small photo I saw in something at the house and by watching the surfers all week. Sigh. I want to go back.
(Almost every time I loaded this to revise it I got distracted with other things, so I'm not sure exactly how long it took but I know it wasn't nearly as long as it shows)
32 comments – latest 4:
two-na (Sep 7, 2004)
terrific dba, really captured a mood
Xodiak (Sep 10, 2004)
The sea and the sky are fantastic... And the man looks so nice in the picture! Awesome painting! <:D
Knockoff (Sep 11, 2004)
Thats awesome, and that sky is amazing. Awesome one DBA
Cordelia_Pink (edited Sep 24, 2004)
he's wearing shorts, isn't he? lol Well, awesome job!!! Your pictures are always so awesome and different. Well, keep it up.
drawn in 10 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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