boardscontest!Contest Week 68: 2Draw Propaganda Poster
Sweetcell (edited Jan 6, 2008)
Contest Week 68: 2Draw Propaganda Poster*two week contest

For these next two weeks your goal is to draw up (no pun intended) 2Draw posters similiar to those made during times of war. As Chinese, Russian, German and American posters promoted their efforts to convince people to join and support their armies and downplay their enemies. But using the 2Draw theme. Promoting the site along the way. The 2Draw logo must be in the poster. Style and effort will be focused on including how well the 2Draw theme is integrated in your piece. Only one entry per person. As always, have fun and please do not copy other artists work.

oh, and sorry for the delay

There's a plethora of samples

and here

To give you an idea and help get you started. Or just use Google to find your reference.

Contest Week 66 will be open for entries from Sunday December 23rd, to Sunday Janurary 6th, 11:59 AM PST.


*1st Prize:* You may choose a T-shirt from Oddica's website. Each shirt comes with postcards, stickers, a backpack button and a collectible library card.

The 2Draw Contest Board is in affiliation with Oddica T-shirts. Oddica is sponsoring the 2Draw Contest Board by providing their products for contest prizes. Each weekly/biweekly contest winner will win an Oddica T-shirt of their choosing, courtesy of Oddica. Each shirt comes with postcards, stickers, a backpack button and a collectible library card. Check out Oddica T-shirts:

Creativity: The amount of imagination, originality and expressiveness that was put into the entry.
Technique & Effort: The amount of style, skill and craft that was put into the entry.
Following the Theme: How well the entry followed the theme of the contest.


1st. Join by enjoydotcom*be sure to check out the judges comments
2nd. Poster Contest by jpjp1052
3rd. Keep'em Drawin'! by HolyCow


After every 10 contests, one contest winner from the 10 winning entries will be put in the Showcase Gallery.
Zack (Dec 23, 2007)
Oh, awesome!
enjoydotcom (Dec 23, 2007)
How strict is "the include the 2draw logo" rule? Does it have to be an exact copy, or can you make a logo in the style of the 30's posters?
Sweetcell (Dec 23, 2007)
Well to be more precise just to have the name 2Draw in the poster. How you make it/draw it/compose it is entirely up to you so long as it goes with your theme.
enjoydotcom (Dec 23, 2007)
Yay. me so happy now, I figured including the logo in the exact same style as it is now, wouldn't look so good.
marcello (Dec 24, 2007)
it's 2draw not 2Draw. >:[
Sweetcell (Dec 24, 2007)
I like the capitol myself. But alright Cello.

Correction. The 2draw logo.
enjoydotcom (Dec 24, 2007)
Hmm, the logo is all caps sweet Marcello.
Sweetcell (Jan 6, 2008)

Thanks to all who entered.
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