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drawn in 1 hour 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Saiyanangie (Feb 6, 2007)
All characters belong to JV in this picceh.
Saiyanangie (Feb 6, 2007)
drawn in 53 min
Saiyanangie (Feb 6, 2007)
drawn in 29 min
Saiyanangie (Feb 6, 2007)
drawn in 23 min
zombiemmy (Feb 6, 2007)
Being a IZ fanatic I have to say that you did a fantastic job of making Dib not look like a complete dork. Kinda normal O_o.Also I have to ask cuz it is killing me but is that a 1 eyed cookie staring at me in the corner?
Punky (Feb 7, 2007)
Its minimoose. Hes so mini.
Sweetcell (Feb 7, 2007)
You made him look cool, and whoa, even Zim is a little hot...... yes indeed. But there must be a Gir. There MUST BE!
fleeting_memory (Feb 7, 2007)
indeed there should be a gir-but whatever would you do Sweetcell? If there was a hot gir? Great pic btw!
Sweetcell (Feb 7, 2007)
hmmm, maybe I should rethink this. :)
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