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drawn in 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 5, 2006)
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 5, 2006)
drawn in 31 min
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 5, 2006)
Inuyasha doesn't have an eyepatch? Does he? Um... is he on the ground kissing it or eating grass?
NOVEMBER93 (edited Jun 1, 2010)
Akechi456 (Jun 5, 2006)
Emily,just take a chance and draw the other eye.He doens't have an eye patch,yer getting into a bad habit...once again.>_____________<
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 5, 2006)
Well, then it shouldn't be flesh coloured and, that is weird, should be put in your description. If I may, I suggest using a grassy backround, maybe him in a patch of dirt. I dunno.
NOVEMBER93 (edited Jun 1, 2010)
drawn in 15 min
Akechi456 (Jun 5, 2006)
He only has three ginfer,his hands aren't connected his arms,and the face should be a bit rounder to show childish innocence.And make the eyes a bit larger.

You asked what we thought.
NOVEMBER93 (edited Jun 1, 2010)
NOVEMBER93 (edited Jun 1, 2010)
drawn in 6 min
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jun 7, 2006)
It's not bad, but Inuyasha must have a big butt or somethin...
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