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drawn in 51 min with PaintBBS
Dancing Nancy
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concannon (Jul 6, 2003) — edit
As title says.

Because there is a sad, sad lack of guys with facial hair on the boards. So, I challenge you [anyone reading this]; draw a man with face fuzz! You will...erm...populate the boards with beards. *shrug* Just draw! Onward!
concannon (Jul 6, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
taori (edited Jul 6, 2003)
w00t. Rock on, guys with facial hair. They're so fuzzy and cute. Now who does he remind me of...Viggo Mortensen...? No...Oh, this is going to haunt me.
concannon (edited Jul 6, 2003)
Nah, his face isn't triangular enough to be Viggo. Personally, I think it came out looking oddly like Johnny Depp. Which wasn't done purposely. o.o
concannon (Jul 6, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
he looks like my uncle!!! *runs and hides* that's so creepy!! *stares more* It does!!! Awesome!! I like it!:}
Xodiak (edited Jul 6, 2003)
Wow, he looks great! Awesome! >:D
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jul 7, 2003)
I love how you draw your eyes! Huge animeness kinda realism!
Bah! Facial hair erm hmm...difficult!
darkk_angel (edited Jul 10, 2003)
nice.... but i cant draw facial hair;)
maybe i will try when ihave the time (ie when i am not being nagged by my grandmother to complete a 1000 paged math book this summer)
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