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drawn in 8 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
kristine (Apr 14, 2006)
This is supposed to be the part where i say, "Lascaux is hard."
kristine (edited Apr 14, 2006)
drawn in 51 min
Shoebox (Apr 14, 2006)
Everythings hard with an octopus on your head! Purdy though :D I like the style... And the hipbones.
bluesky (Apr 14, 2006)
the octopus thing reminds me of some game i used to play...
haha and my friend did something like that for a halloween costume ^^
finish soon :)
comd (Apr 14, 2006)
I absolutely love the way you stylized this character! Can't wait to see it finished.
blahaha (Apr 14, 2006)
the octopus looks lecherous. O_o; very nice style btw.
kristine (Apr 14, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min
I think my hand fell off...
TaCO (Apr 14, 2006)
O.O I love this!!!!!!!!!!!
kristine (Apr 14, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 32 min
Sweetcell (Apr 14, 2006)
Looking great so far, the lineart is clean.

She looks like a Bratz (spelled right?) girl.

Looking forward to the finish.
kristine (Apr 15, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
Exactly 101 layers later...
patienceisoverrated (Apr 15, 2006)
This is amazing.... smooooooth lines. I wish I was so cool to have an octopus on my head.
kristine (Apr 15, 2006)
drawn in 36 min
Still figuring out the tools...
kristine (Apr 15, 2006)
drawn in 32 min
Gemmy619 (Apr 15, 2006)
I love this its so cute, cant wait to see it finished :)
Sweetcell (Apr 15, 2006)
Red shorts I'd say, red and green are a good combination. Looking good, looking good.
Deino (Apr 15, 2006)
Very nice kristine, I like the pose and the colors. Very original too!
I would like to have an octopus in my head...
LisaAnne (Apr 16, 2006)
This makes me chuckle. The style is deffinately with the times, nice line and color work. I really like the soft/warmness of the cheeks.
staci (Apr 16, 2006)

like, hi. inspiration?
kristine (Apr 17, 2006)
DoOp (Apr 18, 2006)
oct0pus! :] <3
kristine (Apr 19, 2006)
drawn in 59 min
TaCO (Apr 19, 2006)
O.O Sweet!!!!!!!!
Hurry up!!!!!!
kristine (Apr 20, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min
Sorry; I got lazy.
Natsuna (Apr 20, 2006)
Sexay octopus :3
I like this a lot
Especially her collar~
And octopus :0
DoOp (Apr 20, 2006)
LAZY is good :] your best friend! uberly cool job on this still x3
Sweetcell (Apr 20, 2006)
You finished, love love love this one. She's so pe-oed, but the octi looks like he loves it up there. Wondermous kristine.
Mali (Apr 20, 2006)
whee! i really love the lines an anatomy!
JoeNobody (Apr 22, 2006)
this is fabulous kristine, love the coloring.
Roytje (Apr 22, 2006)
This is great! I love those expressions :)
laurael (Apr 22, 2006)
Cool style...a wow for this!
Zeal (Apr 23, 2006)
:3 Don't mess with the Octopus :3
JK-Arts (May 26, 2006)
Niice its very cleanly drawn and smooth
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