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drawn in 16 min with PaintBBS
Dancing Nancy
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concannon (May 25, 2003) — edit
Mushroom! Now with flowers.
concannon (May 25, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
quintessence (edited May 25, 2003)
... *eats it*
Turtlebuster (edited May 25, 2003)
hmm. so many implications...
concannon (edited May 25, 2003)
Actually, I had Fantasia on the brain. *twitch*
Pacmandude32 (edited May 26, 2003)
I for some reason think of Mushroom Samba(The cowboy bebop session)when I see this...
concannon (May 26, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
concannon (May 26, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
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