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drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Shiek (Dec 21, 2004)
This is as far as I got before it got way too laggy and confusing to continue.

Any thoughts/critique/hints are appreciated.
Shiek (Dec 21, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 53 min
davincipoppalag (Dec 21, 2004)
The shape and composition are good. It could use shadows and contrast and more detai. I think it will be a good picture.
safescene (Dec 21, 2004)
Love it :) I like the simplicity of the lines and it's teeny little eyes.
DinoFlorist (Dec 21, 2004)
that puppy is cute!
sincity (Dec 21, 2004)
I actually like the way this looks as is. :}
Shiek (Dec 22, 2004)
drawn in 16 min
Tried adding some shadow/shading. Lost the inspiration on this one, though.
mukumuku (Dec 22, 2004)
i like the style used to draw this. at first i thought it looked kinda like hige from wolfs rain ^^
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