boardsintermediatewell groomed
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drawn in 1 hour 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
spiritdweller (Nov 9, 2004)
spiritdweller (Nov 9, 2004)
drawn in 47 min
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 9, 2004)
dum dum dee dum, dum dum dee dum... yep, anybody that would put on a wedding veil is just dumb. LOL But, hey, it's a dog, so... we can excuse her. :) She's totally cute.
spiritdweller (Nov 9, 2004)
the groom is even sexier
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 9, 2004)
Yes, well, they always are. But I say stay in the pews at the church and grab the best man at the reception. HAH!
spiritdweller (Nov 9, 2004)
I'll remember that ;)
sincity (Nov 9, 2004)
cute, you got this dog, thingie going on.
spiritdweller (Nov 9, 2004)
I get along well with dogs
sincity (Nov 9, 2004)
I dig all animals.
emmamommalag (Nov 9, 2004)
Ha! Can't wait to see the groom.
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
drawn in 16 min
davincipoppalag (Nov 10, 2004)
Remember DBA..he who break wind in church, must sit in own pew... This is a goodun Lor!
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
sssshhh... ya can't break wind at a wedding! geez Dave..... can't take you anywhere!
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
drawn in 25 min
this has turned to mush...
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
ok I've had enough of this...
Anna (Nov 10, 2004)
lol this finished out really cute :-D Good goin', Lori!
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
thanks, I was considering deleting it!
sincity (Nov 10, 2004)
Why would you think of deleting this , it came out just fine. Fun as always.
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
I just don't like it ;) but thank you
sincity (Nov 10, 2004)
Otay' :}
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
hehe what a goofy grin you have :}
sincity (Nov 10, 2004)
I bet you say that to all the boys. HE-HE.>:}
spiritdweller (Nov 10, 2004)
naah just the ones that pucker their lips when they grin
emmamommalag (Nov 10, 2004)
This turned out great.. I love it. There's a little problem with the groom's left sleeve, though... the gold braid is floating away from it. I love those dogs and their expressions, as well as the clothing and the bouquet.
davincipoppalag (Nov 10, 2004)
Yea..this came out great..
Xodiak (Nov 11, 2004)
What a cute couple! Just married! I feel like they are just about to kiss each other... Your ideas for drawings are awesome Lori! <:D
Aubrey (Nov 11, 2004)
This is really really cute. I can imagine it was a beautiful wedding lol :)
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