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drawn in 4 hours 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Dancing Nancy
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3 hours 16 min
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1 hour 18 min
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concannon (Aug 21, 2004) — edit
A big whoohooo to Becca/quin for doing such a great job with the color. <3 <3 the color theme. And now I'm done.
concannon (Aug 21, 2004)
drawn in 50 min
concannon (Aug 22, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 44 min
Pence (Aug 22, 2004)
oh wow, this is totally awesome! great lineart!
Sutafani (Aug 22, 2004)
wow great lineart...... awsome
Axil62 (Aug 22, 2004)
Reminds me Of Ohio Nellie. A Welsh whore that could do things with her one good arm that would make you forget about that thing on her neck.
davincipoppalag (Aug 22, 2004)
Great lookin character VV..
emmamommalag (Aug 22, 2004)
Very good drawing, Vis. Looks like a page out of a coloring book.
mangaflip (Aug 22, 2004)
line art of real drawer. good
Axil62 (Aug 22, 2004)
A 'drawer" is something you keep your socks in.
concannon (Aug 22, 2004)
drawn in 41 min
davincipoppalag (Aug 22, 2004)
Well.. maybe in some parts of the country..but here we keep socks in a "draw"
quintessence (Aug 22, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 16 min
quintessence (Aug 22, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
Also, I don't know where those splotches in the background came from. o___< JPG compression, I guess. I drew it as one uniform color, so go figure.
DireOnion (Aug 22, 2004)
I love this. I'm a sucker for those hats.
eh (Aug 23, 2004)
i don't think the background looks bad that way.
psilocybin (Aug 23, 2004)
I love the color scheme. It stands all nicely together.

Love the hat and glasses. :)
Anna (Aug 23, 2004)
y'all did well together. :) I like it lots.
mazi (Aug 23, 2004)
hahaha. in a draw. ^^;;

love it. my only nit-picky thing would be the eyes arent the same size. since shes tilting her head slightly away from you, id think her eye would get skinnier and remain mostly the same height?
friend (Aug 23, 2004)
wow thats cool! tha Abe lincolns wife?
Urei-sama (Aug 23, 2004)
looks real nice, i like the feeling ^_^
Hakkai (Aug 23, 2004)
B-U-T-Full! <3 The coloring, the lighting and shading, the line art. Everything is just superb.

You know.. If her eyes weren't "kind" looking, I'd be afraid of that smile. >_>;;
ambermac (Jun 28, 2005)
nice drawing of johnny d! i recognize those lips anywhere.
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