boardsintermediateAnimation.. kinda.
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
Click through the Versions for the animation-like story.
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 12 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 8 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 18 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 34 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 42 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 46 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 17 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 7 min
Aubrey (Jul 28, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 32 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 46 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 46 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 42 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 10 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 38 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 6 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 39 min
Aubrey (Jul 31, 2004)
drawn in 20 min
Aubrey (Aug 1, 2004)
drawn in 42 min
Aubrey (Aug 1, 2004)
drawn in 17 min
Kasha (Aug 1, 2004)
whoa, that was hard to do. I kinda just scrolled down the side. 15 bucks...pssh.
Aubrey (edited Aug 1, 2004)
Yeah it's a bit hard ta do. The guy in the store's laughin cause the punk laid down a $20 bill to pay for the liquor and only took what was in the drawer.. which turned out to be $15 bucks. Don't ask why I drew this cause I can't answer it, but I had fun drawin it so what the hey lol.
Kasha (Aug 1, 2004)
it was genius! yeah, I was thinking about doing this someday but you know... I'm lazy. thanks for doing my job! :D HAHA.
Harmanye (Aug 1, 2004)
Ohm.. I read about that one! XD I love this! Oh yeah, so bookmarked.
Hakkai (Aug 1, 2004)
Lol, VERY clever. Kinda took a while to look though the different images since it takes a good half a minute to load the next edit, but it's still good and funny none the less. XD
emmamommalag (Aug 1, 2004)
Lol! This was cute but it was too hard to see, having to scroll up after clicking on each edition.
Zack (Aug 1, 2004)
Hahaha! That's great. Wasn't hard for me to see the whole thing, but I'm on broadband and a 1024x768 screen, hehe.
Ty854 (Aug 1, 2004)
Ha, he only got $15 bucks. Thats comedy. This kinda reminds me of the story by Nutso on Youdraw.
davincipoppalag (Aug 1, 2004)
Lol Aubsy! Clever...
DMV (Aug 1, 2004)
Too cool Aubrey! LOL @ Ty854 comment...yeah Nutso always did this ongoing story about uncle lou :)
Thear (Aug 1, 2004)
hahahaa x) Aubrey this was awesome! ! ^^
JackSprat (Aug 1, 2004)
Very cool way to do one, Aubrey. I enjoyed this a lot. Nice, crisp lines to it. Oh, and feel very sorry for Hakkai, while gloating with my dsl connection that took .5 seconds for each panel to load. Nanny nanny boo boo!
laurael (Aug 1, 2004)
Very funny, Aubrey! I'm glad you had all that patience to do was great to go from v to v.
BADICAPO (edited Dec 9, 2004)
That is neat. I gotta try that when I get better. That was funny:0
Asridaein (Feb 16, 2005)
This is hilarious, I've got to show it to my sister, she'd so totally crack up! Great little animation thing going, its really cool.
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