boardselite bastardsDeath's Last Stand
watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 4 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
What started out as an experiment came out to be one freaky pic. 0.o Go figure.

Ps. It's my BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! *dances in circles* :]
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
drawn in 29 min
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour
This is turning out interesting no?
concannon (Jul 25, 2004)
Ooh, this is gonna be some sex. *awaits*

Great job with the fire.
davincipoppalag (Jul 25, 2004)
That is some incredible fire ED! It looks positively real! Wonderful!
emmamommalag (Jul 25, 2004)
Indeed.. that fire is awesomely real looking. Looking forward to the rest of this one.
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
drawn in 46 min
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
drawn in 28 min
LEELEE (Jul 25, 2004)
Oh my..... EverDream, this is spectacular! I can get over how real this looks. I can't wait to see the results.. Q. r u the E.D. from youdraw?
Priszcilla (Jul 25, 2004)
wow, this is really something! It looks so real. and to answer LEELEE, I'm E.D. from, my goal is to reach this ED's abilities
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
drawn in 59 min
Priszcilla (Jul 25, 2004)
O.o wha! how cool! fallen soldiers
Northern_shadow (Jul 25, 2004)
GASP O_o thats some nice fire! cant wait to see finished!! (perhaps a dragon ("shadow") into the dusty bg ^^
Thear (Jul 25, 2004)
whoa....those armors looks great!! yea dragon woud be cool ^^
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min
LEELEE (Jul 25, 2004)
wow, this is great. I hope you have/had a wonderful b-day. not sure when u wrote that. either way HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
davincipoppalag (Jul 25, 2004)
All I can say is WOW..experiment all the time!! Happy Birthday!!!!
emmamommalag (Jul 25, 2004)
This is awesome! Wow!! Happy Birthday, Stef! :)
Ty854 (edited Jul 25, 2004)
Oh wow, awesome job on the flames...and dead bodies. :) Looks like somebody's birthday candles got out of control.
Aubrey (edited Jul 25, 2004)
That's an amazingly excellent outstanding piece of mind blowing artistry you have there Everdream! It's so BRIGHT and hot and just awesome!!

Edit: Almost forgot to tell you happy birthday! lol The pic blew me away.
laurael (Jul 25, 2004)
Whoa, ED...this is amazing...the flames, the smoke, the red ground...especially the way the guy that's standing is outlined in light from the fire! Have a great birthday!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 25, 2004)
Hottt! This is cool, no, wait... it's too hot to be cool. :) I like the way the stuff in the bg and the foreground glows - awesome work.
JackSprat (Jul 25, 2004)
Truly amazing to watch the animation of your paintings. /me unloads a pallet of aminal cookies in front of your house.
KNPMASTER (Jul 25, 2004)
wow, i really really lvoe this one. Really sweet job mr dream
Anna (Jul 25, 2004)
This is superb! You can soo feel the heat from lookin' at this! Wonderful job! And happy birthday, Stef :D Have a great day!!! *hugs*
Northern_shadow (edited Jul 25, 2004)
WOWII! *2 thumbs up* *shows "100 points" flag* this is already too good!
ow, and happy BD ED ^^
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 25, 2004)
I forgot to say Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!! :)
EverDream (Jul 25, 2004)
Thank you every one :] Thank you for the wonderful comment-age!

pS. KNPMASTER- that's Ms. Dream. ;D
fleeting_memory (Jul 27, 2004)
this is a friggin awesome picture-it seems that there are a lot of people out there who can do flames really fair ^^ and sinse you posted this two days ago...HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!!!! you can't be too old cause you're still happy about having a b-day lol. Cool picture, cool birthday!
Supergurl103 (Jul 27, 2004)
this is so nice!!! love it so much, ever ;) what a great drawing for ur birthday!!! not the death guy but the scene was great!! amazing ;)
Linwe_lover_1990 (Jul 28, 2004)
Holy Crap the fire is freakin awesome! You are excellent!
ShadowKitten (Aug 2, 2004)
HOLY WAFFLE that is so cool can you please, please *kneels and begs* teach me how to draw fire as well as you do
saorren (Aug 3, 2004)
WOW... this is what u call Elite B4st4rds... *__* insane skills and gorgeous art-pieces... gotta steal ur fire =P
Doodlibop (Aug 12, 2004)
That is kawicky! Though, I must admit, the "death" dude looks kinda...wimpy. Other than that, super duper execution! You are a great!
Gigandas (Aug 16, 2004)'d I miss your b-day^^;;;?Stupid vacation got in the way :P....well, HAPPY LATE B-DAY!!!!!^^
Hmm, I have to say this pic really reminds me of the cinematic where Sephiroth destroys Nibelheim in the flashback from 5 years ago.Hey, maybe it's Seph in a disguise so he doesn't get caught this time around ;).Gotta love your flames, awesome as always.You still gotta teach me the technique for that you know :(.....this is too cool.
HunterKiller_ (Oct 11, 2004)
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reich (Dec 23, 2004)
D00D!! friggen A!! sw33t!!! man this is so friggen awsome im talkin in l33t for gawd sake!!! (Dec 23, 2004)
this is awsome! i love it!!
vamp2 (Dec 24, 2004)
This is sweet. Fire is so cool. =)
Shiek (Dec 28, 2004)
Amethysts (Feb 28, 2006)
*GLARES and cries while she watches the animation*
blu (Dec 20, 2006)
O.O Wowzers. It's quite strange, really. As soon as I looked at this, I was reminded of the song Knightrider of Doom. Anywho, wicked job. It's very lovely.
Doggonecutsy (Jan 21, 2010)
this is beautiful! I love your fire effects!
lynnandcharlie (Jan 21, 2010)
the whole thing is fantastic
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