boardsadvancedDrippy Faucet
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 4 hours 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 4, 2004)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 4, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 2 min
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 4, 2004)
drawn in 2 hours 18 min
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 4, 2004)
drawn in 57 min
Gigge (Jul 4, 2004)
Wow, DBA very realistic. Especially the metal. Just realized you captured the old five basic elements in your last two pictures...metal and water in this one and fire, wood, and earth in the last. Neat.
Gigandas (Jul 4, 2004)
I can almost feel this one....looks so real.I don't understand, you say you can't make your drawings crisp....what do you call this then XD???You're too hard on yourself DBA :).This is just awesome...
LovelyLori (edited Jul 4, 2004)
yes, this is most definitely crisp.. just look at that faucet... good Lord... if this my faucet leaking, after today and all the wine I drank... I'd just lay under it and slurp away
Your pics are more and more incredible each time Dba, you're a fabulous artist and don't you think anything less! You oughta be selling your art somewhere if you're not already... you, Staci, Gigandas, Aubs, and Everdream are my heroes on this site, and there are some others I'm about to add to that list!
emmamommalag (Jul 4, 2004)
This is your best water yet, Deadly.
davincipoppalag (Jul 5, 2004)
This one is positively outstanding! This is so real looking it takes the breath away. The chrome faucet is perfect, right down to the scratches on the inside edge and that water is dead on perfect..Great Pic!!
thug (Jul 5, 2004)
looks like you could climb right up into that faucet. Good job on the whole piece. Everyone's right, it is very crisp.
Anna (Jul 5, 2004)
*sigh* Absolutely wonderful! This is perfect.. looks like a photo. You inspire me with every drawing you put out. :D
DinoFlorist (Jul 5, 2004)
yes it looks very real. That glare burns my eyes. I didn't have to work today so I haven't even left the house yet and its so bright. I also like the background. Its so subtle and great.
Axil62 (Jul 5, 2004)
Water is so fun. This is wonderful.
LEELEE (edited Jul 5, 2004)
GOD, It's like I have my head in the sink. I think this is great. Job well done! It makes me thristy! :P LOL :D Once again GREAT job!!!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 5, 2004)
Thanks alot, ya'll. I never would have drawn water in the first place if it wasn't for Axil's glass of water.
Aubrey (Jul 5, 2004)
Really REALLY awesome picture DB, this is just... *sigh*... dunno what to say. Whoever knew a sound so irritating came from a picture so beautiful.
horsegirl615 (Jul 5, 2004)
very very nice. so smooth. great job
laurael (Jul 5, 2004)
Now I'm 'really' thirsty, this is so real! Yep, you've hit all the elements at one time or another...very cool.
Bumble_Beez (Jul 6, 2004)
This is very well done! I wish I could draw water ;_;
The_Chosen (Jul 6, 2004)
wow it`s so...wet... makes me thirsty XD
Supergurl103 (Jul 9, 2004)
wow, nice dba.. was away for awhile and u keep drawing good arts :S nice, dba, love to see ur art again ;)
Pence (Aug 17, 2004) did you do that it's amazing.
Mipunai (Aug 17, 2004)
Wow, this is awsome, I love the water X3
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