boardsintermediateshot dead
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 3 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
LovelyLori (Apr 29, 2004)
robber shot dead- yes, I realize this is a mess... I dunno... whatever, I'm callin' it done
LovelyLori (Apr 29, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 47 min
LovelyLori (Apr 29, 2004)
drawn in 29 min
DonkeyKO (Apr 29, 2004)
I love this, the backround gives a nice western feel.
davincipoppalag (Apr 29, 2004)
Mess hell! This is very good! It has action.. and the point of view is different.. good work
KiwiKitsune (edited Apr 29, 2004)
O_O;; Woah! How did you do that? Could you give us a little info, please? ^_^ This is just... SO awesome! *_* I love it... <3
EDIT: I hope that this goes in the showcase pictures! ^_^
staci (Apr 29, 2004)
agreed..this is very ambitious and hells ya its comin out great so far..just dont blur it at the end : )
LovelyLori (Apr 29, 2004)
drawn in 48 min
xwindflyer (Apr 29, 2004)
This sure is different. Havw you been studying some of Frederick Remmington's paintings? lol. Good job!
emmamommalag (Apr 29, 2004)
This is excellent, Lori.
LovelyLori (Apr 29, 2004)
thanks... and Kiwi, all I did was look at a picture, that's all...(highly doubts it's showcase material), lol...
LovelyLori (Apr 29, 2004)
drawn in 4 min
Supergurl103 (Apr 29, 2004)
nice lori!!! hmmm... it matches my new draw lol :P
KiwiKitsune (Apr 30, 2004)
OMG!! This is so cool! Nice, western, old-style coolness! xD Hah hah. I love this!! I hope that it gets put in showcase!! Please tell us how you managed to do something so great! ^_^
LovelyLori (Apr 30, 2004)
again, just looked at a pic and drew what I saw Kiwi ;)... he was robbing a train, if anyone wants to draw a train in the BG, memo me, and have at it!
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