100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
EDIT: I'll add more to this some other time. It's out of proportion and sort of bugging me now, plus I can't draw hands to save my life. Oh well though, the thumbnail turned out pretty well.

I kind of feel like I've suddenly obtained more talent than I thought I had. I know this drawing isn't perfect, or even done for that matter, but I think my last two drawings are a big improvement from my previous ones. It's as though the way I see things has just changed and I suddenly understand better. I've never had any real training in art apart from some high school art classes, so I'm pretty self taught, and I feel rather proud of myself for improving.
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 43 min
davincipoppalag (Apr 9, 2010)
madscientist (Apr 9, 2010)
Excellent work!:))
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 6 min
firecracker (Apr 9, 2010)
This is very natural and realistic looking......are you "expecting" eniroc??? Very nice draw......:)
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 16 min
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 8 min
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 9 min
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 9 min
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 11 min
enirroc (Apr 9, 2010)
drawn in 13 min
itsVergil (Apr 10, 2010)
Very nice lighting.
Keep up the good work!
lynnandcharlie (Apr 10, 2010)
I love this, it is very beautiful
Arique (Apr 10, 2010)
This has such a dynamic look in the thumbnail! Keep with the realism and this will end up just stunning
enirroc (Apr 10, 2010)
Thank you guys. And no firecracker, I'm not expecting. I think I'll wait a few years for that. =)
Teapot (Apr 10, 2010)
Those moments of advancement in how we see things, and then realizing that we're able to put that new vision down with paint or ink or pencil or pixels, are wonderful. That's one of the good things about working in a community where you learn and have honest feedback--you get to have that perception of your growth as an artist acknowledged, reinforced and encouraged. Good for you! And, yes, I can definitely see how your work is improving. This is lovely. The shading and highlighting are beautiful. I think you should work larger. Are the rough edges on your lines intentional? I don't want to suggest how to improve them if that is part of your personal style.
enirroc (Apr 10, 2010)
Thank you. =)
And no, the rough lines aren't intentional, I'm a little rusty with lascaux sketch and am having trouble smoothing the lines. Any suggestions would be fantastic.
Also, the next piece I'm going to be doing will be much larger, I'm going to try and do my first advanced piece, so we'll see how that goes. :)
enirroc (Apr 10, 2010)
drawn in 27 min
Flubbles (Apr 10, 2010)
The blue triangle shaped tool smooths the lines out.
enirroc (Apr 10, 2010)
That's what I've been trying to use, but I think my biggest problem is that I didn't make the picture big enough, and when I zoom in to work on details, I can't get the brush small enough. I'll keep trying though.
vlad.the.hamster (Apr 10, 2010)
if you turn down the flow a lot, the line gets smaller, and I think the smallest is 0.1 pixel, but you have to do that manually, not through [ and ] keys.
enirroc (Apr 10, 2010)
drawn in 15 min
enirroc (Apr 10, 2010)
drawn in 46 sec
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