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Public Boards/Intermediate 
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
Connie is restricted to Paint. Watch her sulk.

(-.- If this gets moved to the practice board, I wouldn't be surprised. Sorry 'bout this, Marcello.)
1 comment – latest 1:
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 19, 2003)
cute~! hehehehe...limbless figures are the bestest
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
NO clue what dark corner of my mind this fella crawled out of. Looks kinda like Xod, only cuter. A cousin maybe? XD

(Just kidding Xod.)
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (edited Jun 17, 2003)
Whatever it is, it's SO adorable. *melts into a green puddle*
Xodiak (edited Jun 18, 2003)
Yes, VisceralVamp! He must be a cousin of me, I am not cute, I am the ugliest goblin ever! Hehe, great drawing! >:D
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 19, 2003)
i think the xod goblin is the sexiest goblin ever! *grin* and this is also a very very sexy goblin! it must run in the family. :D
drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
Quick safety save, as the computer is being shifty. 0.o

[Everyone rating...for now. Hm.] Oh. And while it's up here; any suggestions for the guy in the back's hair?
4 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (edited Jun 17, 2003)
ooh O_O nifty gay man sex?
yummy :P```
XD finish its O_O
quintessence (edited Jun 17, 2003)
... *wide-eyed* Finish. Pleeeeeease.
Merulotte (edited Jun 17, 2003)
This looks really really promising...
Ameraq (edited Jun 18, 2003)
*Wants to see finished pic* mmmmm......Wowo.....
drawn in 1 hour 43 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Jun 18, 2003)
Rosalyn's contest.

....he bites.
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited Jun 18, 2003)
It has a faaang. *glomps it* ...ow.

Adorable. Whee.
Ameraq (edited Jun 18, 2003)
...I like it's eyes...reminds me of my dear mother.
drawn in 9 min with PaintBBS
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
Byah. *eats Ben and Jerry's ice cream*
3 comments – latest 3:
quintessence (edited Jun 17, 2003)
Well. I've been told not to get on AIM, since I'm leaving for the dentist in about two minutes, but I can at least stop by here and comment. I'm so rebellious.

Pretty watercolor-ness. And, of course, eeeeaaars. *falls over* And I like your signature thing.
Xodiak (edited Jun 17, 2003)
sexy looks! >:D
Einz (edited Jun 18, 2003)
nice sketch
drawn in 25 min with PaintBBS
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
Random sienna demon doggie. Approach at own risk.
3 comments – latest 3:
jord (edited Jun 17, 2003)
ooch...*shivers*...he looks mean... and a bit sharkish
very expressive
Ameraq (edited Jun 17, 2003)
Me like! very nice!
Einz (edited Jun 18, 2003)
thats one sneaky wolf/doG
nice and sketchy
drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
..title says it all.
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited Jun 17, 2003)
They resemble jelly beans. Yummy. *steals and eats*
raenboe (edited Jun 17, 2003)
Oh, those are so kewl! Good job!
drawn in 7 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
I kept watching 'Seven Nation Army' (The White Stripes). I don't think it was good for my brain. o.X
2 comments – latest 2:
quintessence (edited Jun 17, 2003)
*cheers for high-contrast* So much fun. Reminds me of an African mask, for some reason. Whee.
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jun 17, 2003)
Oh saucy. Mhhh love that video. Jack White I think thats his name lol looks so saucy in the short sleeved white shirt. And his hair so black and soft. Ok I must stop. Um elephants and skeletons. ;D Eh, I need help.
drawn in 10 min with PaintBBS
concannon (Jun 14, 2003)
Have some random angst.
5 comments – latest 4:
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jun 14, 2003)
Mhh yay for angst. Fun for everyone.
quintessence (edited Jun 14, 2003)
Lovely. I like his coat. I'd like to run off with it, but then he'd be all angsty and without a coat, and I couldn't do that to the poor guy. Tone-ish shading and the clenched little hand are great. Background adds to the whole... feel.
silent_darkness (edited Jun 14, 2003)
Really like this...I've always been a fan of simpler drawings without all the flair and stuff. Good use of different tones and nice shading =) *applauds* good job ^-^
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 15, 2003)
can I have him? <3 he's very pritti.

it's a lovely drawing, and the tones are excellent, but there seems to be something wrong with the guy's pose....although I can't quite place my finger on what exactly it is, but I know the way he's sitting just doesn't seem right. maybe im a weirdo (just maybe?), but whatever.
drawn in 58 min with OekakiBBS
concannon (Jun 14, 2003)
Not done...but goddamn, my hand hurts. Damn you trackball, damn you! [Will be continued in a bit. I swear.]

If you don't know what OHP is, don't ask. Really.

[UPDATE]: Alright. I swear Marcello, I would finish this. But this computer won't open the animation, and the other doesn't seend oekakibbs images. So I'm stuck. -_- And I really REALLY don't wanna delete this.
7 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Jun 15, 2003)
Indeed. Indeed it is. If you knew what the OHP was, it would make sense. But I'm lazy, so maybe Becca (quintessence) will explain for you.
marcello (edited Jun 15, 2003)
Please finish your unfinished drawings before starting new ones, otherwise they're wasting space.
concannon (edited Jun 15, 2003)
...*shamefully* Sorry.
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jun 15, 2003)
Looks like my friend.
drawn in 46 min with OekakiBBS
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