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drawn in 10 min with PaintBBS
Dancing Nancy
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concannon (Jun 17, 2003) — edit
I kept watching 'Seven Nation Army' (The White Stripes). I don't think it was good for my brain. o.X
concannon (Jun 17, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
quintessence (edited Jun 17, 2003)
*cheers for high-contrast* So much fun. Reminds me of an African mask, for some reason. Whee.
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jun 17, 2003)
Oh saucy. Mhhh love that video. Jack White I think thats his name lol looks so saucy in the short sleeved white shirt. And his hair so black and soft. Ok I must stop. Um elephants and skeletons. ;D Eh, I need help.
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