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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
deathking and Kairily (Jan 22, 2007)
If you have a character you draw, draw him/her or yourself on here as a sprite.
4 comments – latest 4:
deathking (Jan 22, 2007)
If I add you do you promice to make it pixeled and tiny? (you havent been added yet just so you knows)
Kairily (Jan 22, 2007)
Yep. Pixels are my specialty. Tiny is good.
deathking (Jan 22, 2007)
okay youre added
Kairily (Jan 28, 2007)
drawn in 27 min
Cute little guy huh? I couldn't think up anything good plus my main app. is Lascaux..
drawn in 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jan 24, 2007)
Because Valentine is coming soon my friends, I decided to make a small icon for that day......:D
I always love Valentine...."even do I haven't got a love for that day....-_-"
But still I love that day, as well I don't mind celebrating that day alone....once again........T3T
What can I say friends, there just isn't a person who loves me, they just run away from me..........>:D just kiddind..........
But well then just a gift from me to all of my friends for valentine day.....>:D
Just one thing...... can any one can regconice who are this two paring?...........:D
Who ever guest who are they I'll give a huge hug to the winner.......only if is a girl.....and for the guys......ehhhhh??????......a hand shake......>:D
Just kidding my friends...........I'll trhow in a small surprice for who ever guess who are they......:D
..................Logging of Lore.V...............
27 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Jan 24, 2007)
*huggles IT while Lore is busy hugging all the other girls* SQUEE!
friend (Jan 25, 2007)
Sorry if your down DK but your guess made me laugh so hard.
Kairily (Jan 25, 2007)
It is soo adorable!! Is it okay if I use it as my msn display pic? It's too cute! Happy Valentines day everyone! Well.. in a few weeks. Until then though, happy exams week for me!
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jan 25, 2007)
Ooooh of course you can use it my friend.........:D
I'm glad that you asked me first to use it.....>:D Yes you can use the icon for your msn display picture no problem friend.....:] Just remember to say my name out lough my friend.........>:D
Fleeting Memory:
You Little devil..........>:D

But thanks for all of the adorable comments my friends.........>XD
...............Logging of Lore.V.............
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
This isn't fair but what are your veiws on it.
deathking (Jan 22, 2007)
I just hate that no matter how good a person is at one form of art even though they may practice and practice, they just can't do one other style. Like me for instance, the things I know I am good at drawing would have to be anime or manga (whatever your preference for it is) realism, charicturist, realistic fantasy (like dragons my preference are eastern styled dragons like long river or sky spirits) and that art where all you do is dot a piece of paper like a million times until you get your d...
Java 6 is out!
marcello (Jan 21, 2007)
If you have not yet upgraded, you may want to! The new version of Java is faster and now fully compatible with the upcoming Windows Vista. Get Java 6 here: Also, if you are using JTablet, you will need reinstall it after updating your Java (as you always will need to). If you are not using JTablet (and have a graphics tablet and Windows), you might want to check it out! Get JTablet here: Enjoy! team
Main Forums/The Post Board 
my skills, age 13
Shanghai (edited Jan 21, 2007)
I found a US history project I made from long ago. Here's one page of it- boston massacre Note my flawless font choices and historical accuracy. Yes I did turn this in for class back then, and yes the other pages were more of the same.
Public Boards/Beginner 
cmoon, camadeon, KyoxTohru95, Fiesta, senshi, and more... (Jan 14, 2007)
Draw you as ninja!
15 comments – latest 4:
Deformed (Feb 5, 2007)
I'll give it a shot if you'd like.
senshi (Feb 8, 2007)
Ooo, dk, you belong to the great Sand Village?
Deformed (Feb 14, 2007)
So can I give this a shot now?
cmoon (Feb 19, 2007)
drawn in 7 min
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
MRP (Jan 11, 2007)
37 comments – latest 4:
Kairily (edited Jan 25, 2007)
Yay for bringing up old artwork, and dead conversations. Just so you know, MRP hasn't been on in over 2 weeks. I wonder if he's coming back..?

Heheh anyway, I do like the art a bit. Not so much the attitude. I heart sweetcell!

Edit: omj big boobs. ick.
SanzoGirl (Jan 25, 2007)
some people just cant argue properly and you need to treat them like you would a dog and beat them with a newspaper.
Omg! That's so mean! D:>
Why would you even hit a dog with ANYTHING in the first place!? T_T
Sweetcell (Jan 25, 2007)
Hey everyone, stop ressurecting the dead, Kairily's right he's been gone for weeks, leave it be. *blush* Kairily.
senshi (Jan 25, 2007)
Hitting dogs isn't good.
omj big boobs. ick.
Big boobs are good.
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Zombie~pirate (Jan 7, 2007)
well regardless of my actions..and others..I'm still posting cause I like this place...a bit...>.>''

This is a character I created for a story I'm trying to get published. Obviously his name is jared and that disgruntled little person down next to him is the main character Izze. She's crouched down in cause you're wondering why you only see her head and part of her shoulder. and yes...she's sticking her tongue out cause Jared has taken it upon himself to torment her fear of people touching her horribly curly hair. She's wearing glasses and jared has wings..and his hood is covered so you can never see his face.
20 comments – latest 4:
Zombie~pirate (Jan 11, 2007)
yeah well my laptop has corel and stuff which I like using but is a bother to use when I'm just doodling. I draw in pchat but my laptop's screen save button doesn't work the way it should...TT3TT I still love it though...>.>''
Nightmare (Jan 11, 2007)
Artiste (Jan 12, 2007)
One last peice of advice... if you are that sensitive about critiques, stay away from art school, or the feild of art. It would tear you to peices.
You can certainly draw on your laptop using any number of cheap programs... that way you can be assured that professional people who know
what they are talking about dont give you advice.
Zombie~pirate (Jan 15, 2007)
You know...if you read any of the comments'd know that NO ONE actually gave me critique....I'm not sensitive to critique...its the lack of critique that really gets to me.
drawn in 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Zombie~pirate (Jan 7, 2007)
mmmmrawr. This is for my bestest gaia friend: Love~me~to~Death. He's super awsome in my opinion, and since I was bored and he wanted a banner type thing for his gaian artshop I decided to draw this. I know it looks crappy but I like the weird sketchy style I gave it. Yay... COMMENTS!!!! >.>'' Its like I never get comments and all the others do...even though some of their art isn't really the best and I'm not claiming that I'm really good...but I know for a fact I should at least get a hello or something...I post here for a reason...because I need constant reassurance that my art isn't shitty...yeah I know...I'm pathetic but whatever.

I kept thinking to myself after looking through the begginers board and I found myself screaming in my head: "BOOBS! EWWWW.....and even though i sometimes like them...I don't like it shoved in my face everytime I scroll on through others art. And don't tell me shit like:
"Oh if you don't like it don't look at it!"

WELL ITS KIND OF HARD NOT TO SPOT IT WHEN LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE"S GOOD ART.....I mean...its somewhat okay if its done non-derogative or whatever but, I mean...come on...don't draw them constantly everytime you're ruins the place.
18 comments – latest 4:
senshi (Jan 10, 2007)
What is with all the water meats around Gaia now?
A lot of people have them.
Zombie~pirate (Jan 11, 2007)
They are so cute...I don't know why everyone else has them but I have them cause they make me smile...>.>''
senshi (Jan 11, 2007)
I dont have one. I voted cow santa. And it clashes with my avi
Zombie~pirate (Jan 12, 2007)
awwws...XD I voted equally for both...but stopped after four water meats...
drawn in 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
SaruMiazawa (Jan 6, 2007)
green is the new pink
2 comments – latest 2:
Kairily (Jan 7, 2007)
No way, Pink is the new pink.
SaruMiazawa (Jan 8, 2007)
Really?? ehhehe
No pink for me , makes me dizzy!
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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