forums2draw.netError submiting images
Roxana1890 (edited Jul 20, 2008)
i am just working on an unfinished drawing ,and when i try to submit it (lascaux sketch) it gives me the following error: "error submitting image. IO Error : error writing to server" , i still have the page of the drawing opened,i took a screenshot ,but i don`t know if it has any effect,because i don`t have time to finish it today,and i must let it unfinished,and because i cannot submit it ,i must let the computer opened till tomorrow for not losing what i drew till there something that can be done ? pls help me. :-S

I alsohave this error on my profile page where my last comments should be displayed : "PHP UWARNING in mod_sql.php:272.
SQL error 1030: Got error 122 from storage engine (query:
SELECT network_users.user_id,2draw2_entries.entry_id,username,entry_type,entry_title,entry_rating,comment_text,entry_version,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(comment_date) AS comment_date
FROM 2draw2_comments_revisions LEFT JOIN 2draw2_entries USING(entry_id) LEFT JOIN network_users ON network_users.user_id=2draw2_entries.user_id
WHERE 2draw2_comments_revisions.user_id=21006 AND entry_type="image" AND revision_number IS NULL AND (entry_stage>=3 AND entry_stage<=4) AND ((board_id>=1 AND board_id<=3) OR (board_id>=5 AND board_id<=11) OR (board_id>=15 AND board_id<=17) OR board_id=19)
GROUP BY 2draw2_entries.entry_id
ORDER BY comment_date DESC
marcello (Jul 21, 2008)
we've been having some server difficulties (ran out of disk space of all things!).
thanks for the note. I hope everything is working now.

let me know if you see any problems going forward.
davincipoppalag (Jul 21, 2008)
Praise the Lord it's workin again!
Roxana1890 (Jul 21, 2008)
it`s aliveeeeee
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