Ive never used the lascaux sketch before, its weird getting used to it.Im just really dossing around getting some kind of grip on it.I dont know whether i'll use it again lol i'll see when im finished.
Im just wondering what you use dorsy, do you use the paint brush on low capacity? the blur seems to be simular to shi's airbrush,Or is there a seperate airbrush ive not found yet? :P the water colour doesnt really blend into one to make another colour either ive noticed that.
There is an airbrush-like thing, on the left on the brush size selector there are four choices for brush type, it's the bottom one. You can also get a watercolour-type thing going, by selecting "blend", underneath the tool selector to the right of anti-alias, and setting flow and opacity to whatever combination of about in the middle you prefer. I personally dislike the blend tool, it makes things look too flat/grubby, but it's the raindrop button.
Oh to me Lascaux is the shisnit. As close as I can get to Painter. Frankly if it wasn't for the blend tool wouldn't be able to do half the pictures I've done. It's like painting with real paints and how new colors can be blended into wet paint. Do hope you give it more of a try. I can see your already getting the hang of it. Great muscles/tendons in the hand, though the bracelet seems a little off, like it's too small for her wrist. Or is that the way it is in the ref?
Theres going to be some sky showing to determin the wrist and bracelet, its unfinished.It is exactly what it says on the tin :oP Not sky, the background but you get my drift.
I do alot of revisions because i think when the drawings are submitted they come out a little different, so i can see the image clearer here then i can go back to it to see what i have to change.
I'm used to taking hours on a revision. But then before the site was changed there was a size limit and if you ran out of space you had to wait for a mod to give it to you so everyone did as much as they could in one sitting so as to not run of out space. Seems we don't have to worry about that anymore.
drawn in 38 min
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its still fucking epic and beautiful