boardsbeginnerDo you remember me
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
catcrazy10 (Mar 9, 2008)
Lost for so long?

Lyrics by Evanescence, from their song Tourniquet. ^^
Gonna come back and edit it later - unfortunatly, I was stupid enough not to install the JTablet plugin, and had no pressure sensitivity. Ah, well - so far its going along good, right? ^^
Later I'll probably add a body, and maybe define the hair better, so its easier to figure out where one part starts and the other ends..

You you like it, both now and when its finished! :D
catcrazy10 (Mar 9, 2008)
drawn in 26 min
catcrazy10 (Mar 9, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 6 min
Still not as good as I'd like it to be, but here it is. I'm not entirely sure I wont edit it in the future, knowing that I'll probably look back at it a week from now and notice something out of proportion, but for now I'll just say this is finished and be done for a few minutes. :D

do you remember me
lost for so long
will you be on the other side
or will you forget me?

She's having her doubts, and tries to run from this hellish situation - but something always stops her.
Here she's turning on her heel, just stopped from the run.

Perhaps a new or old OC - who knows until the cookie crumbles, leaving half of the chocolate chips smeared on your new shirt?

Hope you guys like it! ^___^
Skrog (Mar 9, 2008)
this is looking sick, love the black and white. I do stuff like this all the time, so it's cool to see someone else's approach to it.
davincipoppalag (Mar 9, 2008)
This looks terrific
QTgillie (Mar 9, 2008)
composition technique and execution are all great. The contrasts are wonderful....I love black and white art.
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