watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
zackys_last_memory (Sep 13, 2003)
Ameraq:GAH! thought i lost this one again....grrrrr. I really hate this computer...internet...whatever..
It also seems that Zacky forgot to log off when she left, ...woops. Don't think she'll mind to terribly much about my drawing being under her name.
at least, hope not.. O_o *glances around*
zackys_last_memory (Sep 13, 2003)
drawn in 41 min
Hotaru-chan (Sep 13, 2003)
this is vveerryy purdy!! good job!!

Knockoff (Sep 13, 2003)
Woaw Awsome, Great job Ameraq, Purdy hair. Nice shading,. That is the explosion from burning santas secret toy shop right,.... O_x
Gothic_Otaku (edited Sep 13, 2003)
Ameraq, you strike again. Why are my pics doomed to this fate? ;_; Oh well, mine doesn't look that bad in comparison.
Marienkind (Sep 13, 2003)
the fate of being posted next to ameraq?
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 13, 2003)
It's all about the comparison......
mazi (Sep 13, 2003)
thats really kick though i think the torsos too small maybe?
marcello (Sep 13, 2003)
for some reason this makes me think asuka.
Marienkind (Sep 13, 2003)
must be the red and the anger. asuka ideed. um.. cello, i've been having problems with the collab button. when i select a user and click "ok" on the popup, nothing happens. i got some moderator help on the last two collabs i've been working on, but i don't want to call on them to add someone for me all the time....
dragon_girl (Sep 14, 2003)
wow that is nice very nice cool rock on
joe_shmo (Sep 22, 2003)
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