The kitsune- A multi-tailed fox of japanese folklore. Wiki
--The Trickery of Kitsune--
There once was a Kitsune that fell in love with a man- and so she took on the form of a human so that she could marry him. As time went by the two of them married and had a child. But the child was not Kitsune nor human! It was a mix between both and had no powers to switch between forms. The husband was of course shocked and so the wife had to finally tell him the truth.. So she took him out to the forests so that nobody could hear them. "I'm a Kitsune," she confessed as she returned to her foxy form. The husband was still shocked, but since he loved his wife so, he forgave her for lying and promissed not to tell of her secret. Eventually though, the people found out about their half kitsune, half human child and thought it to be evil. One night, the wife went out into the forests to collect fire wood and returned to find that her house was set on fire. Her child and husband were both killed. In anger and pain, the kitsune screamed- vowing to seek revenge.. To be continued? *shrug*
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drawn in 2 hours 22 min
drawn in 3 hours 43 min
drawn in 1 hour 19 min
well done
Eep! I love the Kitsune from Zelda! I totally should have drawn him instead. Heheh.