boardscontest!Contest Week 61: Fall
Sweetcell (edited Sep 30, 2007)
Contest Week 61: Fall *Two week contest.

Summer is fleeting and unfortunately the season's waning down. Leaves are falling, the air's getting crisper and colder, and the birds have gone south. Can only mean one thing..... damn winter's coming. But thank God we have the in between season to get ready and enjoy the last few warm days left. So in the next two weeks draw that most colorful of seasons, be it a landscape, a still life, or how you view the fall. And hope winter takes a real long while to come. As always have fun and please do not copy other artists work.

Contest Week 61 will be open for entries from Sunday September 16, to Saturday September 29, 11:59 AM PST.


*1st Prize:* You may choose a T-shirt from Oddica's website. Each shirt comes with postcards, stickers, a backpack button and a collectible library card.

The 2Draw Contest Board is in affiliation with Oddica T-shirts. Oddica is sponsoring the 2Draw Contest Board by providing their products for contest prizes. Each weekly/biweekly contest winner will win an Oddica T-shirt of their choosing, courtesy of Oddica. Each shirt comes with postcards, stickers, a backpack button and a collectible library card. Check out Oddica T-shirts:

Creativity: The amount of imagination, originality and expressiveness that was put into the entry.
Technique & Effort: The amount of style, skill and craft that was put into the entry.
Following the Theme: How well the entry followed the theme of the contest.


1st. Fall by HolyCow-be sure to check out the judge's comments!
2nd. Fall Emergence by jpjp1052
3rd. Fire in the Sky by davincipopplag


After every 10 contests, one contest winner from the 10 winning entries will be put in the Showcase Gallery.
Anna (Sep 16, 2007)
Can't wait for winter. Yay!
Punky (Sep 16, 2007)
I'm not really looking forward to winter. It's not that I hate winter, I just hate the fact it almost takes up more than half the year.

But this sounds like lots of fun, I love autumn colours.
Anna (Sep 16, 2007)
I wish my winter took up more than half the year.
Shanghai (Sep 16, 2007)
winter sucks >_>
davincipoppalag (Sep 16, 2007)
I catch your drift Shanghai I put a bunch of cardboard boxes in my yard, then when it snows I'll close the boxes and ship it all down to Anna
Wraith (Sep 16, 2007)
I used to like winter, as a kid, when I had it made and could go inside a warm house with a fire place and adobe walls. Now that I am on my own, I live in a crappy ass Mobile Home, and it gets really really cold inside in the winter. I have to sleep with a portable heater by my bed because the furnace is crap. I'd rather die of heat in summer than to be cold.
PolythenePam (Sep 16, 2007)
all you damn northern hemispherers. If I have to see another brown tree I'm going to scream.
davincipoppalag (Sep 16, 2007)
Come on Rob,, we are gonna go visit giselle in NZ
xiau (Sep 17, 2007)
I don't like winter. I like my sweltering hot summers, thank you very much.
But this seems fun~ Fall is a lovely season indeed :'D
Deino (Sep 17, 2007)
I love this fall-winter time of the year, it is my favorite. That's mainly because I hate summer and its hotness, and the stupid bees and hornets. But also because of the independence day-birthday-halloween-day of the deads-christmas-new year thingy! Yay, And food.
sincity (Sep 17, 2007)
I love the fall. :} Best time of the year I think. Summer is nice and all but........ :}
Sweetcell (Sep 30, 2007)

Thanks to all who entered.

Sorry for the lateness, having problems with our internet service.
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