DOOOd! scary! lol nice job knockoff can't wait to see it when its finished! I like the little warning signs in its that a hump on the shoulder..really freaky lol! eeee can't wait!
Not quite intermediate quality yet. The background needs some serious work, that freicking paintbbs watercolor outline around the dude just ruins the whole pic, and I haven't a clue what the thing in the top left and bottom are for... You might want to take up your own suggestion of fixing up the lineart.
Im still not fully finished cello. I just did a few quickies because I have to get of. It will be fully finshed tommorow. And What t says in the corner is "call 911"
Looks AWESOME! i remember when it was just a lil sketch *sniff* they grow up so fast. I like the smeared blood. muahah! and the call 911..thats greatness heh Very cool!
wow that was so insightful -_-
I love it! very much so! It actually gave me the creeps when i looked at it, which doesnt happen a lot. It's something in his posture, its very spiderlike and non human. Very well done.
drawn in 27 min
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 39 min
I love it! very much so! It actually gave me the creeps when i looked at it, which doesnt happen a lot. It's something in his posture, its very spiderlike and non human. Very well done.