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drawn in 2 hours 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
SoraItachi (Aug 1, 2007)
This is Oliver, the next OC of mine. Oliver is Sora's older brother.
He's 14 years old, and like Sora, is an ermine.
I created him when I was in 8th grade, when I started watching the food network a lot. His name Oliver sounds like Olive, so that's why he has olive green hair and reddish-orange eyes (sort of like... spanish olives?).
Oliver's a total bibliophile, and spends all of his time in his room or in the library reading books. He spends so much time by himself that he doesn't really have any friends, nor does he really talk to other people. ^^;

Lawls, this is the first picture I ever drew of him.
SoraItachi (Aug 1, 2007)
drawn in 41 min
deathking (Aug 1, 2007)
Hes a great character, and a total loner its awesome.
Punky (Aug 1, 2007)
I love this character so much. :O
And I'm very jealous of your lineart, it's so smooth. D:
SoraItachi (edited Aug 1, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 33 min
aaww... thank you ^^
deathking (Aug 1, 2007)
Your coloring is so cute I love it.
Punky (Aug 1, 2007)
I love the coloring in the hair. <3
dridridreamz (Aug 1, 2007)
this is so cute. im envious of your perfect lines and your coloring!! cute ears
ilovedrawing (Aug 1, 2007)
woah i love it its so cool!
enjoydotcom (edited Aug 2, 2007)
I really hope you'll keep drawing once you're all growed up.
Will check in a minute your exact age, but if I'm not mistaken it was much older than 14, right?!

Edit: yup I was right, 14... I admire your eye for the softer colors and smooth lines. :D
Sweetcell (Aug 2, 2007)
Ahhh, maybe Oliver can join a book club and meet like minds. He's cute and I want to steal your coloring secrets.
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