hmm, this looks strangely like a near copy of Eliafins drawing...
light shining through the trees will save her, ne?
Not if a pink giraffe suddenly jumps out from the darkness, and sucks her 2D brains out through her ears, then tramples her with pretty pink hooves.... or not.
Yes it does. Everyday you make me more and more aggravated, dragon girl. First, it was just your growing allergy to spelling and grammar. Then, you started putting down others about their drawing skills, when yours aren't even slightly impressive in the first place. And now this? Copying pictures? Why do you do all of this?
That is actually copying and editing not inspiring. no no no inspiring is something like this dude by Ameraq (who I cannot guess) (sorry Ameraq) and inspiring me to draw a wolf baying at a red moon, on a cliff, from a different perspective. Like down in the underbrush or through some trees below the cliff looking up and seeing the faint outline of the wolf from the red moonlight. But I may make the wolf white instead of grey/gray.
Spelling, Punctuation, and Capitalization. Lordy.. They are just placing facts infront of you, and you insult them with your insulting lack of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization... grammatical errors and what not. If you can't draw something right, don't bother trying to draw someone else's picture without their permission.
*hugs Hakkai* You're so sexy when you're being corrective...
Anyway, in all seriousness, you need to WATCH the plagerism. If you continue to copy another artist's work, whether it be on this site or off, it's going to get you in wonderful oodles of trouble and pissed off people.
Two, the comment option is used for compliments, and constructive criticism. Insulting people, especially when your own skills don't measure up to theirs, is a strict no-no. I believe there was a person rather like you once....darkk_angel, or something of the sort. Right?
God. You need help with your bad attitude too. I mean, if you want to sound mean, you shouldn't put "thanx" and "nice" in the same sentence with "ass". Jeebus.
Aren't there tutorials and stuff that you can use to learn how to draw people? I can't draw people any better than that... trust me... just friendly advice.
It feels like something heatin up, can i leave with chu! -bumbumbum- sorry listening to jt..i know im a dork gawd. i love justin..oh and your peice just needs some work..people work mainly. its good that you told the original artist that you were going to try and reinact her peice! thats greatness! always do dat! oooh i hear my song coming on...right thurr..heh right thurr
deleting this entry would be a folly as all of these humorous comments would be lost! oh what would this all mean without the petty controversy?! therefore, i shall not delete it, but instead i will say this: this drawing sucks ass.
Yeah. And a follow-up to what Hakkai was saying: "Thanx" should also be changed to "Thanks if you wanna get real deep in spelling mistakes. *huggles furyofroy, hakkai, armando, and method3* You guys are so correct. And this picture really sucks. I think it's mainly the fact that you copied it and it sucks quality wise also.
Gothic_Otaku: No one can tell you that you're supposed to stand up for someone. If one of your "friends" makes you do something, then to me they're not worth the effort. True friends will forgive each other even if they do the most absolute mean thing in the whole world. And you don't really have to say sorry. You also have a right to an opinion. Just because she runs out of ideas doesn't give her the right to copy someone else's hard work. That's what the IDEA BOX is for.
drawn in 31 min
light shining through the trees will save her, ne?
Not if a pink giraffe suddenly jumps out from the darkness, and sucks her 2D brains out through her ears, then tramples her with pretty pink hooves.... or not.
Spelling, Punctuation, and Capitalization. Lordy.. They are just placing facts infront of you, and you insult them with your insulting lack of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization... grammatical errors and what not. If you can't draw something right, don't bother trying to draw someone else's picture without their permission.
Anyway, in all seriousness, you need to WATCH the plagerism. If you continue to copy another artist's work, whether it be on this site or off, it's going to get you in wonderful oodles of trouble and pissed off people.
Two, the comment option is used for compliments, and constructive criticism. Insulting people, especially when your own skills don't measure up to theirs, is a strict no-no. I believe there was a person rather like you once....darkk_angel, or something of the sort. Right?
We be hatin' and all, but... we just be hatin'.
Many, many, MANY errors in that sentence. Would you please keep your affairs in memos instead of comments?