psychofox0 (Jul 8, 2007)
I drew..... I tried and tried to make a back ground. -falls over- computer screen.... window.... a dungeon... nothing worked out. >.<.. so, in my frustration.. I made a generic green bg thing. >.<
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"Tis fwuffy." Adorable.
Don't worry, bg's are hard for everyone. Just do simple ones and slowly work your way to more complex pieces. Best way (well one of them) just sketch you rooms, set some things up and do a still life. You'll learn a lot.
And as for those mini-psy's they all have names, the one with out a tail is named Charlie, and the one to the right is named Tsuey. ^ ^
there's a million of em'. XD. And yush I know they're adorable. Thankies for the comments. X3. I'll be drawing more of em'. XDDDD
okies. I'm gonna draw my room. D:.. oh noes, is so messy. ^ ^