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drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
I won't be wearing anything like this for a few weeks. I couldn't walk on my foot this morning so I had to go get an xray. I broke a chunk out of my ankle bone and tore ligaments in my foot. It hurts it hurts it hurts it HURTS.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
drawn in 32 min
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Apr 2, 2007)
drawn in 29 min
Okay, after overdosing on coffee and Bayer aspirin I finally broke down and took some Vicodin, I'm officially a wimp. The upside to it is that now this looks okay to post unfinished, when it didn't earlier. I have been on the ocean in rough water, and nothing emulates the feeling of sea-sickness like hydrocodone. I'm being reminded of this one time I went deep-sea fishing with my uncle at 4 am when I was three months pregnant, and I ate some Fritos and bean dip. Everybody else drank beer, took Dramamine, went under to the bed and went to sleep, and I had to drive the boat back to shore in my little baby doll maternity bathing suit, pausing to throw up overboard. I sometimes think the only reason it's effective is because it diverts your brain into concentrating on how nauseated and wompey you feel. What a crappy drug.

Crutches are stupid. They just make you hurt under your arms, in addition to the other stuff. Screw that, I'd rather hop around.
Axil62 (Apr 2, 2007)
good stuff...this, not vicodin so much.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
vicodin is a crappy drug, I hate it, but when I hurt badly enough, I'll take it and feel sick. I feel really, really sick. :(
Axil62 (Apr 2, 2007)
but does your ankle still hurt?
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
Yes, it does. If you hurt really badly, nothing will numb it. God made us that way on purpose, so we don't hurt ourselves worse, I think. It did help a little, except I feel URPY. I knew what I was getting into when I took it, it isn't like I haven't had it before, though. :)
Axil62 (Apr 2, 2007)
what a gyp.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
Yeah. Doctors are stupid.
Sweetcell (Apr 2, 2007)
Especially when the only thing they do is perscribe you something, even if it's only a pulled ligament and your freaking our because you don't want to have drugs pushed on you. Had toooo many doctors like that. I'm so sorry to hear about your foot Cindy, a friend had broken both once and it was hard for her. It's not much but here's a free hug for you. ((((Cindy))))

On the upside you get to be in front of your comp more and we get to see amazing pictures like this. It looks like a silver boot but when I look closer, especially the ankle area it looks like an ex-ray pinpointing the break in your ankle. You is amazing. Take care, and use the crutches, you don't want to break your other foot.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
Ya'll are so sweet to say something nice on this... I'm not messed up enough to know it isn't any good. I'm laughing. I'll try to make it comment-worthy later, but it's so nice to be liked. :) I have had really huge hurts before, broken back, broken pelvis... this hurts badly but it's a much smaller area of pain, and what my Daddy always said about making you tougher if it doesn't kill you is really true. I'll be ok. Thank you so much.
HunterKiller_ (Apr 2, 2007)
Kewl stuff. It must suck to wear heels.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
Wearing heels is totally empowering, a great rush, I love them. I am really upset that I have to give them up for a while, once again.
lori (Apr 2, 2007)
it does look like an x-ray.. it's cool
I hope your ankle gets better quick
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
Well, it mightl look like an x ray if I ever finish it correctly Funny thing is, the broken ankle doesn't hurt quite as badly as the torn ligaments... I never tore anything like that before. I fractured my other ankle in track in high school, and it hurt, but not like this one does. I think the torn ligaments are the main source of pain. New experience for me. I'm not happy about the degree I'm unwillingly acquiring in the last couple of years... "breaking bones 101" is not a good class to take. :D Thank you, Lori. :)
lori (Apr 2, 2007)
how'd ya break it?
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Apr 2, 2007)
I was driving along the highway with my daughter and spotted something I thought would be a cool photograph to take, so I put my truck in 4 wheel drive, drove off down into the flooded ditch, got out and took the pictures, and on the way back up the very steep, slippery wet grassy slope... I BIT IT... I lost my footing, slipped and twisted my ankle almost all the way around backwards, and then fell on top of it... when I tried to get up, I slipped and fell on it again. I was right next to my truck and I hit my head on the truck door each time I fell. My daughter was too busy doubled over in fits of laughter to assist me in any way, and somehow I even managed to see the humor in it and I laughed, too. There was a lot of mud involved, which I think contributed to the humor, and I took the mud home with me, see, I had no choice. :)
lori (Apr 2, 2007)
ouch :/ some photos may not be worth taking in the future
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 2, 2007)
haha... I haven't been brave enough to pop the memory card in here and see if it was worth it or not yet... besides the fact that it's still in my truck and at the moment it might as well be on top of mount everest, I'm not going out there to get it. :)
Sweetcell (Apr 2, 2007)
*ouch* I don't know as I would be laughing, more like freaking out and jumping down to help the moment I saw you fall (I hate seeing my friends hurt, guesse I'm sensitive that way) I've been dealing with a pinched nerve on my hip/ass so waking up is not a chore. I feel for you sweeting.

Have to say I quite like the picture like this because as I said it looks one minute like a silver boot but then has the slight image of an ex-ray. It makes you look twice and explore. I love those kinds of pictures. A double negative so to speak. ;)
davincipoppalag (Apr 2, 2007)
HOw the hell did you do that anyway...kickin the neighborhood cats? This is really cool to look at.. like Barb said..sometimes like an xray sometimes like a boot.. very cool
enjoydotcom (Apr 3, 2007)
Awesome looking boot, kind of remind me of the I-Robot drawing you did, same color I guess.
Hopefully your foot/ankle will heal quickly so you can wear your heels soon again. Does anyone else ever wonder how drugs know where it hurts? Must be a guide at the entrance, follow me sir Pill, I'll take you to the pain.
davincipoppalag (Apr 3, 2007)
The drugs go to the pain centers in the brain.. doesn't matter what hurts.. they tell the brain to say it doesn't. (thats why it always hurts more when the drug wears off)
marcello (Apr 3, 2007)
how are they empowering?
deathking (edited Apr 3, 2007)
Oh thats is really sad dba, a person like you doesnt deserve this to happen to them. So like did the cardilage in your ankle break down or did you snap your achilles tendon?
Shortiebop (Apr 3, 2007)
i know how ya feel...i did the same thing almost 3 years ago, and i still have problems with my ankle. Not, to mention the bone chip still lose and floating in there is now causing nerve problems in my foot. Don't know if they are gonna try surgery yet......hope you feel better and heal well and yes torn ligaments hurt more then the broken bones :)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2007)
I don't know, deathking, the dr. just shook his head and said "what did you do?... because this is really, really bad..." and then he knew exactly where to touch it to make me scream, and he said I tore the ligaments in it, and then the xray showed the break in the ankle and a suspicious "spot" that's probably the bone fragment.

Marcello... I can't explain it. Maybe it's because 4 inch heels make me exactly 6 feet tall. You could always get some sexy stilettos and walk around campus... see if it does anything for you. :D

I'm sorry to hear that shortie, I had no idea a hurt foot could make you this miserable. I hope they can fix yours. Thank ya'll, guess I should go try to make this into a decent picture now.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2007)
drawn in 52 min
Pantera (Apr 3, 2007)
Sorry to hear about your foot Cindy, I hope it gets well soon. I am lost without my high heels as well, lol, but I have a good excuse to wear them everyday, I am only 5 feet tall lol, I have to wear them :) cool drawing.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Apr 3, 2007)
drawn in 49 min
Thank you Pantera... I bet you're cute as a button in them, too. :)
I'm going stir crazy, here. It's like a major job just to get from point A to point B, and I HATE sitting still.
jaded_angel (Apr 3, 2007)
0o0o I Hope it gets better grandma would have soaked my foot in some hotwater and epsom/epson salts....
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2007)
thanks, angel. The doctor says I have to keep ice on it 4 times a day for a week. The epsom salt thing is wonderful for sprains and aches and stuff, and I'm sure I'll be doing that later. It's especially good to add Eucalyptus and Lavender or Rosemary oil with the salt.

I wanted to post this on Beginner, I forgot you can't move stuff after it's not hidden.
Miss_DJ (Apr 3, 2007)
ouch!!!! sorry DBA! Hope you're back to your sexy heeled self soon! Yes, oh yes, they are indeed empowering. Gotta love 'em!! 3" heels makes me 6 foot. I love them, too! especially the strappy ones...! ps I like the boot. It's space-age-ish.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Apr 3, 2007)
haha... "heeled"... that was PUNNY. Did you do that on purpose? It does kinda look like a boot, but it's supposed to just be an x-ray of a foot in heels. I never owned any high-heeled boots. Mine are all for hunting or shit-kickin' (literally). :)

You're taller than me!!! (Maybe you can explain to Marcello why they are empowering so he doesn't have to strut around campus in stilettos.)
friend (Apr 3, 2007)
Be glad it wasn't your drawing hand.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2007)
I am,.... I already tried to be thankful for that, believe it or not. Now I'm just getting CRANKY. I don't mean to be so whiney... (but yes, I do)... The screw thingy sticking out of these stupid !@#$!@#$ crutches broke a major blood vessel in my left wrist and it's all swollen and black and blue now. These things are dangerous. You'd think as far as we have come that man would have invented some crutches that don't hurt you worse.
friend (Apr 3, 2007)
Woah. Sounds like a bad day. Great draw btw.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2007)
Naw, it's just pretty much par for the regular course of a day for me. lol Thank you. :D
Miss_DJ (Apr 3, 2007)
I hope you don't need surgery! duh..I see the xray now even more than before...but it kinda looks like both to me. no..didn't do the pun on purpose..wish I All Marcello needs to do to understand is watch a woman walk across a room in gym shoes, then walk across the room in heels. That should speak to him in volumes.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 3, 2007)
Oh, it speaks to them all right... but they aren't ever going to have the pleasure of knowing what it feels like to "walk in our shoes". :)
Kloxboy (Apr 3, 2007)
This piece has come a long way in regards to detail, great job.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 4, 2007)
Thank you, Juno. I just now saw that this is a new quarter/gallery... and that this horrid thing is the only picture I have in there, and my initial thought was "how embarrassing"... and then I realized that it's okay, because later I'll be happy when I see it and remember those of you that said nice stuff even though the picture really kind of sucks. Then I thought to myself... it looks like you posted it just because you were hurt and you wanted attention... and then I realized... Yeah, I guess I did, and some people here were nice enough just to give it to me. Thanks again, ya'll. :)
Cameo (Apr 8, 2007)
Sorry bout that Cindy! ((((Cindy)))) Hope you feel better soon! Good work!
Sweetcell (Apr 9, 2007)
Oh Cindy be whiney, be cranky, Lord knows with all the hel you've been through your deserving to be so. Besides, you have a larger happier stronger outlook on life that superceded any bad moments. Something I admire in you. That youcould see the humour after youbroke it speaks volumes. (I can't believe the crutches made things worse. Try having the screws turned inward. And hey is all else fails cover them in duct tape, then it'll just rub against you, and not rip anything.)

You captured the greeny color of an exray well here. Don't think it's bad, cause it aint.
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