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drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Apr 1, 2007)
Woohoo! Spring arrived in Holland! :D
Roytje (Apr 1, 2007)
drawn in 32 min
deathking (Apr 1, 2007)
This is prettifuls ^_^
Punky (Apr 1, 2007)
This is really pretty. I love all the colours and the painterly style you used. Especially the flowers and the sky. What a gorgeous sky!
I woke up this morning and it was snowing. D:
patienceisoverrated (Apr 1, 2007)
the colours in this work really well. you do the best clouds. they make me happy :)

PS (Apr 1, 2007)
That's a place I wouldn't mind going sometime, awesome work!
Moosh (Apr 1, 2007)
That's really pretty. Nice colors. :D
Miss_DJ (Apr 1, 2007)
love your style. very pretty!
davincipoppalag (Apr 1, 2007)
Gorgeous...this shouts SPRING! Roy!! Terrific
Sweetcell (Apr 1, 2007)
Not fair, it's all wet and grey here. *sigh* I'll just live vicariously through your pictures Roy. It must be wonderful over there.
Childlike_Vampire (Apr 1, 2007)
OOhh so pretty painterly-ness. Wow I am digging this. Love the glowy sun and the bright flowers and the oh so far away sky!
Roytje (Apr 2, 2007)
Thanks for all those great comments! I make more of this "30 min" drawings, but I never upload them because I think they aren't good enough. Actually I deleted this one almost...
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