strangeoid (Aug 24, 2003)
Safety save for the only picture I've ever done that actually RESEMBLES me... i can normally draw anybody except myself, but this one seems to be working. P.S. The new 2draw is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
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drawn in 33 min
drawn in 37 min
drawn in 23 min
Big changes this edit, mainly because it's really hard for me to do a self-portrait and like it the next time I see it. I think this is a little bit better. The next time a have a few free hours at home, I'll finish me up.
drawn in 51 min
drawn in 20 min
Edit: My eyes are too far apart, the shadowing is crappy, my nose is hard to see, and my hair looks spray-painted. Why must I notice these things? Because I am a MUCH better pencil-to-paper artist.
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 32 min