boardsadvancedOwnee! Hij vliegt weg!
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drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Jan 20, 2007)
My balloon! :(
Roytje (Jan 20, 2007)
drawn in 52 min
davincipoppalag (Jan 20, 2007)
Ha...glorious whimsical picture.. I love how you use light
frootcake (Jan 20, 2007)
fascinating - i could sort of tell you this was yours, the tree is very you, and the lines on the cliff. you got an interesting effect on that foggy light, probably unintentional..
a_blue_orange (Jan 20, 2007)
that little being by the tree on the right... yeah
I'm pretty sure it is going to be haunting my dreams tonight

I love the way you did the background with the light ^_^
lori (Jan 20, 2007)
Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a balloon? Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill just watched him.
this is a great pic
Roytje (Jan 21, 2007)
drawn in 24 min
Roytje (Jan 21, 2007)
drawn in 16 min
Sweetcell (Jan 21, 2007)
Oh, poor little gut losing his balloon. And the girls like "I told you not to let go of it." I love how you do clouds.
Miss_DJ (Jan 21, 2007)
whimsical is the perfect word, poppa! this is just lovely Roytie! the colors and light and dimension are super!
Roytje (Jan 22, 2007)
drawn in 29 min
Details, details, details :)
Thanks for the comments so far!
Roytje (Feb 12, 2007)
drawn in 17 min
I still had to finish this one. The lighting on the baloon wasn't right.
a_blue_orange (Feb 12, 2007)
lol now the little girl looks like a little girl instead of a creepy gremlin
SneakyWalter (Feb 13, 2007)
Nice tree.
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