cheah, happy b-day Gaara! nice draw senshi.
I'm sure Gaara would be pissed to see his guard
all drawn on... Kakuro and Tamari would get
crushed most likely...X3
Me: *looks at Gaara*
Gaara: *looks back at me weirdly*
Me: *Continues staring*
Gaara: Weirdo...
Me: *continues staring*
Gaara: *starts to cry like a baby*
Me: See? I finnaly cracked him!
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drawn in 1 hour 29 min
Shikamaru and Kiba, are way better though. >:3
Happy birfday Gaara! :DD
I'm sure Gaara would be pissed to see his guard
all drawn on... Kakuro and Tamari would get
crushed most likely...X3
Gaara: *Walks Away from me"
Me: "Chases after Gaara"
Gaara: "uses Sand sheild"
Me: "splat"
Gaara: idiot
Me: I'm aliiiive!!"Atatches self to Gaara's leg" >w<
Gaara: Grrrrrr
Temari/Kankuro: It was Baki sensei!
Baki: Oh crap...
Gaara: *looks back at me weirdly*
Me: *Continues staring*
Gaara: Weirdo...
Me: *continues staring*
Gaara: *starts to cry like a baby*
Me: See? I finnaly cracked him!