Sweetcell (Jan 4, 2007)
is being such a bastard, he's there but not quite there and I need help bringing him out fully. You realists out there.... help.Mods can put this to intermeciate, it sucks to be on advanced.
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drawn in 2 hours 39 min
Hope the good artists out there can give me some c & c.
Looks great so far. :)
You're doing good so far. 8D
I, too, am learning how to draw portraits digitally. A basic but less beneficial technique for digital realism/portraits is to work on your piece until it looks like your reference photo. A more advanced approach would be to follow a process, which I recommend. I suggest, from the start, your main goal should be developing your eye for facial form, anatomy, and proportions. Once you have an eye for facial structure, you can concentrate on skin tones, lighting and details. From there, it gets more advanced. I think it's best to concentrate on learning the process of drawing people correctly, rather than worrying about the final result of each portrait/painting you do. I could go more in depth about all this but I think those initial tips are good at this point. If you want any additional thoughts, just memo me. Have fun. :)
(Just on an observant note... the reference is very crude, and I think you've already brought out more clarity and detail than I could have. I might "fudge" on what I see a little bit sometimes when that happens... like adding some highlights where there is total darkness to add depth...for example..maybe around his hat)
I just thought of something the eldest of my two younger brothers said to me once... he is also very artistic, he is a very talented musician, plays the guitar, does pen and ink drawings and wood burning. He was admiring a painting of mine that I pulled off the wall and handed to him one day, because he said in this honest matter of fact voice... "You know what it is?...You see things... you really, really see them... and it might not be easy for you to make the painting look that way... but you keep working at it until it's just like what you see." For some reason, that helped me grow as an artist more than anything I was ever taught, read, studied...a simple concept.
hah great work so far.
i went to barnes and noble and asked for this movie and they said that they dont carry it and neither does any other barnes and noble in the u.s.
ps anyone who's interested in purchasing the movie..I found it on ebay if you'd like it.
drawn in 1 hour 5 min
Classic movie. Nice job.
drawn in 37 min
"I'm singing in the rain..." *boof* "Just singing in the rain" *bam* "What a glorious feeling I'm...." *oof* "Happy again....."